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I wrote these poems on 21 December 2000, the Winter Solstice, as a comparative exercise in the Japanese poetic forms of the tanka and the haiku. The haiku is an unrhymed three-lined poem with a 5/7/5 syllable pattern; the tanka is an unrhymed five-lined poem with a 5/7/5/7/7 syllable pattern. Though I was aware of both forms, I was more familiar with the haiku (please see Collected Haiku: Winter/Spring 1978 and The Publisher) and had no experience with the tanka. In order to gain an understanding for both the similarities and the differences in the forms, first I wrote a tanka, then a corresponding haiku using the same initial concept. Then I reversed the order, writing the haiku first and the tanka second. I'll leave the interpretation of the results to the reader.

Japanese Exercises

by Matt Wallace

First Exercise
Winter Solstice comes
With air cold and sky so gray.
I receive the day
With a shiver to my core
And my vision so steely.
Winter Solstice comes
With frigid air and sky gray
Sun's return belied.

Second Exercise
My slumber ending,
I see myself once again
And know my oneness.
My slumber ending,
I see myself once again.
In my solitude,
I revel in my power,
And I embrace my purpose.

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