Heterodoxos, official mascot of Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic, the personal web site of an economic and social conservative, Republican, Teamsters union member, moral traditionalist, pro-life, U.S. Army veteran, NRA Benefactor Life Member, Secular Humanist atheist Header for Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic, the personal web site of an economic and social conservative, Republican, Teamsters union member, moral traditionalist, pro-life, U.S. Army veteran, NRA Benefactor Life Member, Secular Humanist atheist

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The Compleat Heretic's Websurfing Safari:
Carolyn's Little World: Volume 2 (1999)

This page was last modified on 7 August 2014.

Though I observe far too much virtual litter while travelling along the Information Superhighway, occasionally I find something that compels me to exit for an extended stop. If I am sufficiently stimulated, for good or ill, by a site, I leave an entry in the guestbook to let everyone know that I had passed through. Even rarer is a site that I visit regularly and leave a comment frequently. My online friend Carolyn Gargaro's Carolyn's Little World is such a site. Many of my entries are in her defense, but then I do fancy myself her champion. Enjoy!

Carolyn's Little World   Carolyn Gargaro

December 14, 1999    Is CNN trying to be "fair, balanced, and objective" like Fox News!?
November 10, 1999   What I want to accomplish as a pro-life activist
May 3, 1999              Offensive pro-lifer vs. pro-abortion disingenuousness
March 21, 1999         I should have been aborted
February 2, 1999       The supreme irony of military service
February 1, 1999       Happy Birthday, Carolyn!
January 29, 1999       Crashing an idiot convention
January 20, 1999       Announcement of bigotry-bashing, stereotype-smashing web site
January 1, 1999         Conservatives and liberals, opinions and abortion

Is CNN trying to be "fair, balanced, and objective" like Fox News!?

Oh my lack of god, could CNN, aka the Clinton News Network, be following the lead of Fox News!? Apparently they're trying to be "fair, balanced, and objective" in their coverage of the Clinton administration's calculated, coordinated, just in time for Campaign 2000 reignition of the "gays in the military" issue.

On two CNN Interactive pages, "Pentagon to review 'don't ask, don't tell' policy - December 13, 1999" and "Marine officer investigated for allegedly slurring gays in e-mail - December 14, 1999", in "RELATED SITES" at the bottom of each page, they've included links to my essay, "The Military's Ban Against Homosexuals Should Remain". This essay details how I went from being an "ally" to being a "homophobe" as a result of having not one, but two homosexual roommates when I was stationed in Germany while in the Army.

The first page has been up for not quite 24 hours, and my essay has gotten 103 direct hits from it. The second page has been up about 3 hours, and already my essay has gotten 114 direct hits from it! There's no telling how many hits I've gotten from people e-mailing the URL to their friends. Needless to say, I'm plumb tickled about the whole thing; it doesn't get any better than this for a webmaster!

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic (a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist)
Monday, December 14, 1999 at 22:59:17 (EST)

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What I want to accomplish as a pro-life activist

O, Sharon of Dundee, with your overweening ignorance and abject moral blindness, you almost make me ashamed of my Scottish blood!

I've never asked Carolyn why she maintains a
pro-life section on her personal site, as well as RightGrrl! and the Pro-Life Web Ring, but I suppose her reasons are similar to those which animated me to post a pro-life page on my site and to found the Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League. I want to end the genocide of abortion as a substitute for contraception and the exercise of personal responsibility, a genocide which has claimed, and continues to claim, the lives of over one million American children each year since Roe v. Wade. I want to expose the injustice and horror of abortion and to dissuade people from using it. I want to make abortion illegal except in the rare instances where it is medically necessary to preserve a mother's life and perhaps where it may serve justice in the case of rape or incest. In both cases, the choice should be the mother's, and I can only hope that she will give due consideration to her child.

For thousands of years and in most cultures, chattel slavery was not only legal but was considered moral as well. Here in the U.S., slavery was so integral to the national economy, especially in the South, that it had to be accommodated within the Constitution in order to achieve ratification. Many learned men argued that slavery was so important that its abolition would "never happen." The infamous Dred Scott decision in 1857 asserted that slaves were merely property and could not be citizens under the Constitution; in other words, slaves had no rights because they weren't human beings. After a brutal, bloody, four-year civil war, slavery was abolished in the United States when the Thirteenth Amendment was ratified in 1865. By the beginning of this century, slavery had been eradicated in the Western countries and has been viewed with fervent moral revulsion ever since.

With the 1973 Roe v. Wade decision, the Supreme Court asserted that a woman had a "right to privacy" which allowed her to treat her preborn child as property to be disposed of at her discretion even if that meant killing the child in utero. Thus it repeated the moral error of Dred Scott by stripping the fetus of her humanity and her rights as a human being. Though judicial fiat made feticide a form of legal homicide, absent a credible threat to the mother's life, the innocence of the victim makes abortion the moral equivalent of murder. If women who abort their children feel any guilt, it is because they know what they've done. Guilt is the natural emotional reaction to wrongdoing and an impetus against a future repetition of the morally offensive behavior. Even so, we pro-life advocates aren't motivated by a desire to make these women "feel even more guilty." We wish to secure the rights of the preborn and to create conditions that will allow such women to avoid committing the horrible act of abortion. Like slavery before it, abortion will be abolished.

Finally, for my dear friend Carolyn, though I only partially know the hurt inflicted by the all-too-many "Sharons" of the Web when they pop up to spew their venom upon you, I am in awe of your resilience and perseverance in the face of their ignorance, fear, and hatred. You and your online activism are shining beacons of hope and inspiration to us all. Thanks for everything you do for the cause of justice and freedom for the most innocent and helpless members of the human family. With leaders like you, we will end the genocide of abortion.

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic (a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist) & founder/webmaster of the Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League
Monday, November 10, 1999 at 21:45:11 (EST)

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Offensive pro-lifer vs. pro-abortion disingenuousness

Hey Brenda, you omitted a "group that offends everybody"! Judging from the e-mail and guestbook entries I've received at the Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League, "godless pro-lifers" seem to offend "pro-choice" atheists and "devout" pro-life Christians equally. The atheists think we're "as bad as the religionazis," and the Christians can't comprehend the reality of believing in right and wrong without believing in (their) God. Talk about things that make you go "hmmm"!

As for you "SaturnNSun," if you're so concerned with the "sake of all the women" (emphasis mine), what about the female fetuses killed in "safe and legal" abortions? Contrary to the plethora of "pro-choice" euphemisms for preborn humans, and with the exception of the fetal circulatory system (that is, the placenta and umbilical cord), the only physical difference between a 12-week-old fetus and a newborn is size. Why should one be protected as a "person" and the other not simply because one takes nourishment suckling her mother's breast and the other by osmosis between her placenta and her mother's uterus? As a metaphor of the intimate connection between our fetal lives and our adult lives, please consider that every ovum a woman will ever produce in her reproductive life has already existed as an immature gamete since the formation of her fetal ovaries. Finally, if you're going to sign Carolyn's guestbook, you can at least be honest; you meant "PRO CHILD (as long as the child is "wanted"), PRO FAMILY (only if "family" is defined into meaninglessness), PRO CHOICE (to kill other human beings in utero)."

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic (a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist) & founder/webmaster of Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League
Monday, May 3, 1999 at 13:01:14 (EDT)

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I should have been aborted

Collette, you make a very good point. Abortion is needed to eliminate human suffering. You've convinced me to return to my previous pro-choice position of only a few years ago. I am driven to tears just thinking of all of the wide variety of physical, emotional, and psychological suffering I could have avoided if only my mother had aborted me.


Well, I'm off to dismantle my misguided "godless" "pro-life" (HA!) web site,
Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League (http://www.GodlessProlifers.org/). How I ever could associate myself with such cold, cruel, heartless, selfish, uncompassionate, mean-spirited, evil, anti-choice monsters is a mystery to me now!

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic (a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist)
Sunday, March 21, 1999 at 12:05:55 (EST)

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The supreme irony of military service

Being an Honorably Discharged Army sergeant and having read the letter in question in Shannon's post below, the submariner has probably scuttled his Navy career. I don't know the specific Article, but he has probably violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) with regard to disrespect to a commissioned officer or civilian commander. Though the contents of the letter are demonstrably true, both the tone and the forum in which they were aired are both disrespectful and insubordinate, charges against which not even truthfulness is a defense. Often while on active duty, I was struck by the supreme irony that in order to defend freedom I had to temporarily cede much of my own. It was a small price to pay for the honor of serving America and the American people. I paid the price for freedom; the blessings of liberty are mine to enjoy to the fullest. "This We'll Defend"

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic
Tuesday, February 2, 1999 at 14:21:17 (EST)

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Happy Birthday, Carolyn!

Happy 28th Birthday, Carolyn! T-minus 2 years and counting to the big 3-0! (Been there, done that, and while on active duty during the Gulf War of all things!) Too bad I can't be up in Jersey for you to give me your birthday spanking, O mighty ring dominitrix and Mistress of the Web!

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic
Monday, February 1, 1999 at 11:47:41 (EST)

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Crashing an idiot convention

Damn Carolyn, what are you running here, a web site guestbook or an idiot convention!? Witness below: "Santiago Gomez" the misanthropic, pro-abortion animal rights wacko; "jim" the Clinton/Nazi apologist; "Matt" the looney limey pro-abortion racist; and "Susy Zelaya" the pro-abortion neo-Malthusian.

"Susy Zelaya" suggests that we should violently kill innocent preborn human beings because they might suffer impoverishment or starvation if allowed to live.

"Matt" suggests that we should violently kill innocent preborn human beings because they might suffer some dread disease or possess some presumably undesired characteristic if allowed to live.

"jim" suggests that Republicans and Ken Starr are "nazis" for acting under the auspices of the Constitution and a law passed by the Democrat-controlled 103rd Congess and enthusiastically signed by Democrat president Bill Clinton. Incidently the Nazis and Fascists were authoritarian socialists. One of the hallmarks of Naziism/Fascism was the nationalization of industry. State control of the means of production is a common tenet of all forms of socialism: democratic, authoritarian, and totalitarian. Marxists and Communists are totalitarian socialists. The historic conflict between Naziism/Fascism and Marxism/Communism wasn't a struggle between political polar opposites but a rivalry of competing forms of socialist extremism.

"Santiago Gomez" reminds me of PETA spokesdroid Ingrid Newkirk given his overweening concern for non-human animal species and his flippant disregard for his own species. Animal rights wackos hold a position that is contrary to both biological evolution and the history and nature of life on Earth. For this all too brief geologic moment, evolution has rendered humans, in my words, "the preeminent predatory species on the planet." Interspecies exploitation is a law of Nature, so humans have every right to use other species for their survival. Please forgive my "speciesism" and "anthropocentrism," but my survival and well-being as an individual depends on the survival and well-being of my species, hence my prejudice for Homo sapiens.

As a pro-life Secular Humanist atheist, I am most assuredly not motivated by "Christian values," and I find the suggestion insufferable and insulting! Contrary to your bigoted, pro-abortion assertion, my primary motivation is my high regard for life and its uniqueness. Unlike Christians, I realize that the choice isn't between this mortal life and some purported postmortal "eternal life," but between life and death, existence and nonexistence, being and not being. Even in its totality, with joy and sorrow, pleasure and pain, triumph and failure, life is preferable to the alternative. As an atheist, I understand that which affirms life is good and is to be supported and that which denies life is evil and is to be opposed. Abortion is the ultimate denial of life. I oppose abortion not because "the Bible tells me so," but, in the words of the tagline of my recently inaugurated nontheistic/nonreligious pro-life web site,
Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League, "because life is all there is and all that matters, and abortion destroys the life of an innocent human being."

Finally, no matter how much potential suffering one thinks one is preventing or how much individual freedom one thinks one is granting, there is absolutely no compassion and no justice in killing innocent human beings, and, absent a legitimate threat to the mother's life, every abortion is the killing of an innocent human being.

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic; i.e., a social and economic conservative, Republican, moral traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist
Friday, January 29, 1999 at 15:17:03 (EST)

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Announcement of bigotry-bashing, stereotype-smashing web site

As all too many "pro-choice" posters in this guestbook are all too willing to stereotype pro-lifers in general and Carolyn specifically, I have decided that I must take action to disabuse them of their bigotry. To this end, I have inaugurated a new web site for "godless heathen" pro-lifers without regard to any other affiliation.

The Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League

This site isn't much yet, but I expect that it'll take off once it's discovered by the veritable horde of life-affirming nontheists. Life is all there is and all that matters, and abortion destroys innocent human life.

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic; i.e., a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist
Wednesday, January 20, 1999 at 16:33:20 (EST)

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Conservatives and liberals, opinions and abortion

Speaking of the devil, here's a pro-life atheist for y'all and a conservative to boot!

While I agree that everyone "is entitled to his or her own opinion," I vigorously dispute any assertion that all opinions are equally valid. The validity of an opinion is directly related to the strength and quality of the evidence which supports it. In a debate, conservatives and liberals part company at this point. Conservatives generally base their opinions on the evidence at hand, while liberals generally base theirs on their "feelings" with evidence be damned. Arguing with a liberal is usually an exercise in futility for this reason.

As for abortion, there is absolutely no debate as to when human life begins; human life, like that of all sexually reproducing organisms, begins at conception. When the reproductive cells merge their genetic material to form a cell nucleus, the first cell of a unique life form comes into existence, and this uniqueness exists until the organism dies. Accordingly, there is absolutely no debate as to what abortion is; every abortion is the violent destruction of an innocent human life. A mother should consider using abortion only when her child poses a legitimate threat to her life. Abortion is most commonly used as "birth control." As "convenience" is never a justification for any homicide, these abortions should be illegal because they are both thoroughly immoral and extremely irresponsible.

Finally, it's a new year, and I'm "saddened" to see that liberals continue to be all too willfully ignorant. Of course, I'm not surprised. Happy New Year's to all just the same!

-- Matt Wallace, AKA The Compleat Heretic
Friday, January 1, 1999 at 19:59:40 (EST)

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