The Compleat Heretic's Guestbook Archive: Volume 6 (7 Feb 2001 - 11 Aug 2001)
This page was last modified on 26 October 2014.
NOTE WELL: The entries in this guestbook reflect only the views of the individual signatories. As I welcome any comments my visitors may wish to offer, I must insist that you refrain from any activity that could be considered harassment of my guests. Of course, I reckon you can make your own entry.
Bob Clark wrote on 11 August 2001, 17:24:45 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Deep in the heart of Texas...
How did you find me?: Typed in the words "Atheist Conservatives."
Do you like my site?: Not bad at all.
Will you visit again?: Could be...
Will you recommend site to others?: I doubt it. They're all baptists here!
Do you think I'm insane?: Quite sane, in fact.
I was happy to see that you are joined by many others. I am upset that the Democrats think all atheist are liberals. But I have one bone to pick with you. Rocky Horror Picture Show? Come on. Replace it with a really great movie. Elmer Gantry knocks the living shit out of religion.
Webmaster's Response:
The accompanying note clearly indicates that Rocky Horror is not listed because it's a "great movie."
-- The Compleat Heretic
†Ðärk Mørieñ†ëš Willjë† †hë Pënguiñ † wrote on 3 August 2001, 17:06:13 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): same! :)
How did you find me?: .....look above! :)
Do you like my site?: yes
Will you visit again?: yes
Will you recommend site to others?: sure
Do you think I'm insane?: nah
another thing though, i don't belive that your pro-choice veiw is correct.... you value human life yet are willing to take it in the army... neccisary to kill in the army, yes.. you may say that abortion isn't neccesary because it threatens no one.
But you said that since you had been in the military and experianced gays in the military, your opinion was correct and should be counted more, since you know more about it... yet you have never given birth to a child, nor gone through that pain of child birth, or had to fear for your life from giving birth to a child... so according to what you said in that essay, you really shouldn't be judging...
But also that comes around and says that I shouldn't judge you since I havn't either...
*head spins*
Anyways, i just think that everyone should pick for themselves, and have thier own free choice... if society told us that watchign TV or listening to music was wrong (and morally wrong at that), would you stop doing it?
:) Anywaz, just a thought I had...
Hope you post a comment so i can learn from ya... i really could use some more info, huh
Webmaster's Response:
I don't have to bear a child, or even be capable of doing so, to know that a child in utero is an innocent human being deserving the protection that such status demands.
-- The Compleat Heretic
†Ðärk Mørieñ†ëš Willjë† †hë Pënguiñ † wrote on 3 August 2001, 16:42:10 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Kenosha, WI.... Some tree in that town!
How did you find me?: Yahoo... I hate that place. =)
Do you like my site?: Yea! Or DO I? :)
Will you visit again?: Shure
Will you recommend site to others?: Yep
Do you think I'm insane?: Insanity is an outlook on life! You aren't insane! :)
Cool site... thought some of the stuff wasn't in my taste (with the anti-gay military thing) but then again i was never in the military.. so i shouldn't talk, eh? :) Cool site, i'm gonna look through it more throughly later. Cool site. =)
Michael S Whicker wrote on 23 June 2001, 14:16:51 EDT
My E-mail:
My URL: none available
My Location (City, State, etc.): w-s north carolina
How did you find me?: IM RELATED TO YOU.......
Do you like my site?: yeah its alright
Will you visit again?: yeah
Will you recommend site to others?: sure why not
Do you think I'm insane?: that was known a long time ago
[No commentary was offered by signer. -- The Compleat Heretic]
Webmaster's Response:
Mike and I are second cousins though I'm 25 years older than him and only 5 years younger than his father whom I grew up with on opposite sides of the road. We're great-grandsons of Emory Whicker (1871-1949) and Rosa Crews Whicker (1881-1979) and two of the six children from three families who are members of the fourth generation to grow up on land owned by Emory's father, Alexander Gideon Whicker (1845-1916).
-- The Compleat Heretic
James wrote on 22 June 2001, 15:05:27 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Asheville, NC
How did you find me?: Luck
Do you like my site?: It's great!
Will you visit again?: Yes
Will you recommend site to others?: Yes
Do you think I'm insane?: Not at all
You are not alone! Hurray for secular conservatism and secular morality!
I don't have to have some superstitious bible thumper tell me that I should be monogamous and that abortion is murder and that pork and male homosexual intercourse is dangerous and that the federal government is out of control and that taxes are obscenely high.
And from what I've seen, I hope those good Christians don't have to pass a spelling or punctuation test to make it into heaven. They do have a good point, though. It doesn't make sense to think that everything in the universe just appeared out of nowhere. Obviously, a Superghost, lurking in the oblivion since before time, must have miracled everything into existence. Take that, Darwin!
But what would have been the point? Wouldn't He have known exactly how everything was going to turn out? Even if He gave us free will, wouldn't He still know exactly what each and every person was going to do, from Adam and Eve to Clinton and Lewinsky? Come to think of it, it would kind of suck to be almighty.
And the only good thing you can say about the dangerously intellectual and ridiculously enlightened liberals is that if some god ever does get up enough nerve to poke His awesome face through the clouds, they'll have His omnipotent ass in sensitivity training faster than you can say "Behold".
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent, and keep up the good work!
Chase wrote on 15 June 2001, 02:49:12 EDT
My E-mail:
How did you find me?: Shooters Web Ring
Do you like my site?: Yes
Will you visit again?: Yes
Will you recommend site to others?: Yes
Do you think I'm insane?: Yes, but what the hell.
Great Website. I enjoyed my visit. Pretty much agree with everything except I am not an athiest. But I won't preach at you because I don't believe in that either. I study on my own and draw my own conclusions - don't care much for man made churches and religions. Enough on that. Ya have some great information on your site. I'll definatly be back. Thanks.
steve wrote on 21 May 2001, 04:07:11 EDT
My E-mail:
My URL: n/a
My Location (City, State, etc.): n/a
How did you find me?: lookin for worthless sinners such as i
Do you like my site?: nope its of the devil
Will you visit again?: nope so dont bother posting a response
Will you recommend site to others?: nope its ludicris to ignore GOD
Do you think I'm insane?: nope,just severly diluted...need JESUS to set ya straight!
anyway,,let me say that only a fool tells himself/herself...that GOD doesnt exist....there is a special place for people like you and GOD has it picked sure son of will pay for your evil denial of our holy creator...and if your just so sure of yourself ...then explain people who have died and seen heaven?.....and explain what happens to people when they speak in toungues...and explain why we are here besides just to procreate...thats think that we are here just too have sex...your really deceieved...satan has a very strong hold on your soul and heart...and dont say he doesnt you yourself have admitted to having a darkside...which means you admit that there is two sides to your existence...physical/spiritual...but anyway...i digress....JESUS is the KING ofKINGS and the LORD ofLORDS...and HE is coming back for meand no i did not evovle from wet dirt or from monkeys or from fish and if you think those are your place of origin than once again you are sadly confused....wait you have never had the HOLY SPIRIT move on you trust me old timer when it happens and it will you will be overcome with will be stricken with so much conviction you will be on your knees thanking our heavenly FATHER for not striking you dead where you stand....and as far creating you only to let you burn thats ludacris too...HE created us so we might have life here on earth and be given the chance to be redeemed..regardless of what we might become ...HE loves us that much obviously dont grasp what real love is ...its sacrafice...its giving of yourself regardless of what is coming in return..sometimes even hate comes back down the path that we send love out here i close by sayin seek out JESUS seek out a GOD fearing,bible teaching,HOLY SPIRIT filled fellowship group!...and ask your questions to GOD in prayer...may GOD be with you!even down the dark path you travel!
Webmaster's Response:
Hmmmmm, please refer to Seeing the Light; or, How I Became a Godless Heathen, Site Index: A: Atheism, and my guestbook responses to Scully22, Kelley Rose, Melissa Tulin, Lina Sorrentino, and William Cooper.
-- The Compleat Heretic
Nolan McKinney wrote on 12 May 2001, 05:36:25 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Asheville, NC
How did you find me?: USENET post, via
Do you like my site?: yes
Will you visit again?: yes
Will you recommend site to others?: sure
Do you think I'm insane?: no
cool site. I was searching USENET to determine if I am the only "conservative" atheist and found a link to your site. I grew up active in a fundy independent Baptist church. People cried, screamed, rolled on the floor, and became full of the Holy Spirit--and I was one of them. One day in 11th grade English class we read a 19th century sermon and analyzed it as a persuasive essay. It was the first time I ever thought of a religious message objectively. In an instant I was healed from the disease of Christianity. I never felt better in my whole life. I felt so free and excited because I realized that no god dwelled within me and I had myself all to myself. In the years that followed, I experimented with different things tying to see if I might want to be a different person. I found that I was simply myself, a quiet, old-fashioned, conservative person. My belief in and later rejection of Christianity really had nothing to do with who I was.
I was lucky enough to be a kid in the '90s, I rejected Christianity because there was an avenue to do so. If I had grown in up in an earlier time when atheism was unthinkable, I might not have snapped out of Christianity. This is why we have to keep religion objective in school- no prayer, no posted ten commandments etc., only an accurate, objective presentation of religion. School is the only place where some kids can think freely.
Please note: Apparently, C. Nolan McKinney has repudiated these comments in a 13 February 2007 Guestbook entry. -- The Compleat Heretic, 17 February 2007
Yoko.F wrote on 29 April 2001, 06:21:12 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Japan
How did you find me?: net surfing
Do you like my site?: sure
Will you visit again?: sure
Will you recommend site to others?: maybe...
Do you think I'm insane?: I'm insane, too.
'What is life?' 'What are you alive for?' 'What is the meaning of freedom?' Could you tell me your original philosophy? I'm looking for a person who can share thoughts and feelings with me. And also I want him/her to keep contact with me for a long long time. I like playing computer, traveling all over the world, writing down my opinions, watching movies, swimming...
hemanth wrote on 24 April 2001, 22:02:43 EDT
Do you like my site?: yup
Will you visit again?: yup
Will you recommend site to others?: yup
Do you think I'm insane?: don't know
cool page
Shannon Smith wrote on 18 April 2001, 10:47:54 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Memphis, TN
How did you find me?: yahoo search engine
Do you like my site?: not at all
Will you visit again?: no
Will you recommend site to others?: absolutely not
Do you think I'm insane?: who cares
I would just like to say that I am very sorry to hear that you are so lost. Do you, or anyone else who claims to be an atheist, just want to go to hell? Because you are definitely on the right path. When I think of all the things that Jesus has done for me, I cannot help but to believe in him. Jesus gets me through everyday of my life, and without him I could do nothing! You are one messed up person not to believe. Do you actually think that God didn't create this world? It is because of people like you that this world is falling to pieces. When the rapture comes and Jesus takes all of His believers to heaven to be with Him, you will wish then that you would've believed on him. The years after the rapture are going to be so horrible, and that is just what they should be. It's not to late to believe! You can put your faith in God, and He will pull you through. John 3:16 says, "For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten son, that whosover believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life." How can those words not move you? You are a dead soul if that doesn't mean anything to you. Please adhere to my warning! One day you will wish that you had when you get to the gates of gold and can't get in because your name is not on the book. I'll be praying for your salvation.
Webmaster's Response:
Actually, I was given the "honor" of reciting John 3:16 in my church's annual Christmas pageant a year or two prior to becoming an atheist six months or so after completing confirmation classes and declining to join the church. Furthermore, I'm moved much more by the words of Patti Smith in her song "Gloria (In Excelsis Deo)": "Jesus died for somebody’s sins but not mine."
-- The Compleat Heretic
RADICAL-CONSERVATIVE wrote on 17 April 2001, 18:12:03 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Mo.
How did you find me?:
Do you like my site?: yep
Will you visit again?: yup
Will you recommend site to others?: yup
Do you think I'm insane?: hmmmm
If Gargaro thinks youre cool you must be coolio site.
Webmaster's Addendum:
On 18 October 2014, in a moment I've been dreading for most of the year, Darrin John Ford died after a lengthy period of declining health.

I've lost one of my oldest Internet friends, going back to the late '90s when we were waging a Conservative counterinsurgency against the Leftist and Counterculturalist infestation on Carolyn's Little World (Carolyn Gargaro) and Rightgrrl! (Carolyn Gargaro and Stephanie Herman). D.J. was The Radical-Conservative, or Rad-Con for short, and I was, as I have been since 1997, The Compleat Heretic. GIT SOME!!!

We agreed on most things which allowed us to most cordially disagree when it came to the notable exception of religion . . .

Go easy, brother. The fight goes on!

Obituary: Darrin John Ford (17 May 1967 - 18 October 2014)

— The Compleat Heretic, 26 October 2014
B.R. Burton wrote on 13 April 2001, 04:25:09 EDT
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Midland, Texas - home of Dubya
How did you find me?: I think looking for conservative info
Do you like my site?: yes
Will you visit again?: yes
Will you recommend site to others?: yes
Do you think I'm insane?: yes, lol
Praise God. I am baffled how an atheist could be a pro-life conservative . . . I'm sure many atheists are just as dumbfounded. But then again, you have many "religious" politicians who are pro-abortion rights liberals - wolves in sheep's clothing. Such types - like the ones who run the liberal United Methodist Organizations - are totally hypocritical, and ignorant of the meaning of Scripture. I think you may have a better chance of getting into heaven than they! Folks who falsely think they are acceptable in God's sight are the ones in the most danger of hell-fire, and many of those people are likely to be "religious". I do hope you will come to see Jesus the Messiah in His true Light, as He is the key to heaven, and the Path to true righteousness before God. Other than this spiritually-fatal flaw in your thinking, you've got everything right. I think your site is informative, and has a nice, simple, standardized format, which makes navigation easy. My political site is here: I do not mean to offend you in any way with my 'appraisal'. Keep up the good work! -Ben
Amanda wrote on 4 April 2001, 17:15:50 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Harrisonburg, VA
How did you find me?: doing a paper on homosexuals in the military and found your helped a lot...thanks
Do you like my site?: yea
Will you visit again?: probably not since i have no use for it besides this paper
Will you recommend site to others?: if they need help for something on this subject, yes...
Do you think I'm insane?: i don't know you...
[No commentary was offered by signer. -- The Compleat Heretic]
Jeffrey V. Marshall wrote on 12 March 2001, 23:52:31 EST
My E-mail: jmarsh13@
My Location (City, State, etc.): Liberty, NC USA
How did you find me?: Coat closet, Mrs. Buffalo's 6 grade class
Do you like my site?: yes, very stimulating
Will you visit again?: yes
Will you recommend site to others?: yes
Do you think I'm insane?: yes, but aren't we all?
What's up Matt! Great site! I haven't navigated all of it yet but I like the content so far. When you get this message, please e-mail me. I'm also at
Webmaster's Response:
Howdy, Jeff, my 6th grade best friend and fellow East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979 alum. Hmm, Miss Buffaloe's classroom was in the newer addition to Petree School and didn't have a cloakroom as in the classrooms in the original section. I still have flashbacks to the Geography game she had us play whenever I see a World map. I still revel in the fact that I was never defeated though I recall you and Jeff Parrish giving me my only credible competition; I knew better than to toy with you two as I did with our other classmates.
-- The Compleat Heretic
Sarah wrote on 12 March 2001, 07:05:21 EST
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Michigan
How did you find me?: Your Pro-life Site
Do you like my site?: Yes
Will you visit again?: Sure
Will you recommend site to others?: Sure
Do you think I'm insane?: We all suffer from insanity at some points in our life.
It was neat reading about the man behind the atheist pro-life site. I'm a young citizen of the US, 19 to be exact. I'm still trying to decide where I fit in society, and what my beliefs should be. I'm definitely more conservative than my young friends, but some of my beliefs would be consider "liberal".
But I really don't want to be defined with the liberal party. I don't agree with the majority of their issues. I guess that would make me a moderate, huh?
I know for sure that I am pro-life, but rather for scientific and moral reasons. I can't stand religious dogma. I think the whole pro-life movement has been slowed down by religious fanatics. I recently got disowned by a fellow pro-lifer. She told me that "God" wouldn't accept my contributions to the pro-life movement, because I'm a "sinner." I'm a "disbeliever" in Jesus Christ, and I side with "infidels." That is a rather snobby attitude, don't you think? She needs to stop watching "The 700 Club."
On a lighter note, it was great to find a "Daria" fan!! They are few and far between. I've been watching the show since the beginning. Daria is the only role model you can find on MTV. She's intelligent, sarcastic, and tries to do what is morally right. Too bad this girl is just a cartoon character. She would make an excellent human. She reminds me a little about, well, myself!
Early wrote on 9 March 2001, 05:36:05 EST
Hey freaks, c'mon and take a ride
Carolyn wrote on 27 February 2001, 20:32:39 EST
How did you find me?: I tripped over your web site in the dark
Do you like my site?: Yes.
Will you visit again?: Of course!
Will you recommend site to others?: YA!
Do you think I'm insane?: Yes - just like ME!
Hi Matt - your web site is still ultra cool and more organized than I can stand :) (as in, my web sites are a mess and I am jealous)
Ernie wrote on 7 February 2001, 19:57:30 EST
My E-mail:
My Location (City, State, etc.): Norcross, GA, USA
Just stopped by to look at your site. Thanks!
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