The flags were flying, the crowd had gathered, and the band was ready.

Security was in place on the rooftops...

...and in the air as well.

The President's campaign train finally arrives!

Is that the President waving from the back of the train!?

Yes, it's President Bush!
(Note: The yellow sticker on the President's shirt pocket is a "Coble '92" "sharp pencil.")

President Bush emphasizes a point.

President Bush waves to the crowd.

U.S. Senate candidate Lauch Faircloth addresses the crowd.
(L-R) President George Bush, U.S. Representative Howard Coble (NC-6), U.S. Senate candidate Lauch Faircloth (NC), [unidentified]

Working on a quorum, are we?
(L-R) U.S. Representative Howard Coble (NC-6), U.S. Senator Jesse Helms (NC), [unidentified], U.S. Senator Strom Thurmond (SC), U.S. Senator John Warner (VA)

N.C. Governor Jim Martin addresses the crowd.
(L-R) U.S. Senator Jesse Helms (NC), N.C. Governor Jim Martin, President George Bush

Well, you just knew these morons had to show up!
Just as I was wondering where the obligatory Clintonista protesters were, there was a handful of them off to the side at the outer edge of the crowd. I reckon these dolts got what they wanted, and in an odd way so did I. Bill Clinton did more to disempower Democrats during his eight years as President than the Republicans could dream of doing in eighty! And considering the fact that Bubba has no intention of ever leaving the political stage, he'll no doubt continue to be most successful in this endeavor! I've always heard it said, "Be careful what you wish for, for you may surely get it in the end." And knowing ol' Beelzebubba, that's probably not just metaphorically speaking.