"I'm Uncle Matt? I'm Uncle Matt!" (1995)
This is the first photo of me and my first nephew, Zach, the most photographed child in all of human history, or at least the history of photography. He was about two or three days old.

Failing to Grab the 1996 Olympic Flame (1996)
I was attempting to create a novelty shot with the Olympic Flame in my palm. My sister was using an Instamatic-type camera instead of an SLR camera. A viewfinder gives a different perspective than looking through the lens. DUH! Neither my sister nor I took this into consideration. As my drill sergeants would say, "All that book learning and no common sense!" And as I would always think (and dare not say!) in retort, "Well, at least I've got one of the two!" FYI, the OD green item I'm wearing is an Army two-quart canteen; during the Dog Days in the South, even the evenings are hot and humid, and it's good to have plenty of water.

"Not Another Photo of Me and These Krazy Koreans!" (1996)
My sister and I had tickets for the cheapie nosebleed seats for the Cuba vs. Korea baseball game. There were so many empty seats that we sat in the section near the right foul pole and had a good view down the first base line. Almost as soon as we had settled in, my sister looked over her shoulder and said, "Are we in their seats?" I turned my head and saw two or three dozen Korean fans. They took up several rows immediately behind us. They were beating inflatable batons, blowing whistles, banging small gongs, and making chants and cheers all under the leadership of rotating head cheerleaders. I realized that some of the chants were the names of the Korean batters, so I joined in! KO-RE-A!! KO-RE-A!! They were making such a scene that they, as well as my sister and I, were on the stadium projection screen frequently. People were coming over to take pictures and videotapes of the group, even from the other side of the stadium! My sister and I are in dozens of photo albums and on videotapes across the country and even around the world! Also, the game was good and exciting even though Korea lost. Are we having fun yet!?