The Compleat Heretic's Publications: Letters to the Editor
This page was last modified on 5 July 2015.
Everyone's got an opinion, and a letter to the editor of the local paper is a most convenient way to express it. Given the length restrictions, I consider a letter to the editor to be the expository equivalent of a haiku. A good letter requires focus, clarity, conciseness, and precision; one must get in, make one's point, and get out. As such, the letter to the editor is excellent practice for good writing in general.
NAACP is wrong to oppose Thomas (8 August 1991) Exception with National Association for the Advancement of (Liberal) Colored People's opposition to the nomination of Clarence Thomas to the U.S. Supreme Court
Animal rights group sinks to a new low (26 August 1991) Reaction to PETA ad campaign comparing Jeffrey Dahmer and meat industry
Cartoon misrepresented NRA's philosophy (24 August 1992) Response to an idiotic pro-"gun control" editorial cartoon
President's remark was way out of line (21 May 1993) Disgust with Bill Clinton's slander of Rush Limbaugh
Is change in the wind? (26 June 1993) Speculation on the rising fortunes of the GOP
Rooming with gays changed soldier's mind (2 August 1993) Opposition to military service by open, practicing homosexuals
Is Duke guilty of perpetrating double standard? (26 November 1997) Commentary on a "racist" incident at Duke University
Doonesbury, hate radio and hate cartoons (30 December 1997) Disgust with "hate cartoons" from Doonesbury creator Garry Trudeau and editorial cartoonist Doug Marlette
Froma Harrop insulted memory of Sonny Bono (18 January 1998) Defense of the late Representative Sonny Bono in response to a vicious, hate-filled column by Froma Harrop
Abortion cartoon was ironic (3 February 1998) Opposition to abortion by noting the irony of an editorial cartoon about the bombing of an Alabama abortion clinic; includes clarification of my pro-life position per an e-mail query
Could Clinton actually be a cannibal, too? (13 April 1998) Objection to President Bill Clinton's spring 1998 trip to Africa where he participated in cannibalism; a tour de force of Compleat Heresy in action; extremely special answering machine and fan mail double bonus!
Democratic National Criminal Conspiracy (23 May 1998) Suggestion that congressional Democrats, the Clinton administration, and the Democratic National Committee merge their obstructive activities into a single operation; special answering machine bonus!
Abortion isn't life, liberty or happiness (11 July 1998) Opposition to abortion by noting its denial of our highest ideals as affirmed within the Declaration of Independence; special fan mail bonus!
Anti-abortion violence negates pro-life goals (11 October 1998) Opposition to abortion by condemning both violence against abortion clinics and the violence that occurs within them
Get back to business; Bill Clinton must go (18 November 1998) Presentation of the case for Bill Clinton's impeachment and removal from the office of President of the United States
Gore as president is a risk we cannot afford to take (9 July 2000) Evaluation of a Gore presidency as a "risky scheme" we should avoid
Susan B. Anthony opposed abortion (24 June 2002) Opposition to abortion by reiterating the full, true feminist agenda of Susan B. Anthony and her colleagues
Trying to make sense out of a dropped egg (21 April 2010) Opposition to Barack Obama by relating a meaningful dream
The people will act to cast off tyranny (2 May 2014) Musing on the Constitutional safeguards against tyranny, having read James Madison's Federalist 47
Hamilton's likeness should remain on bill (30 June 2015) Excoriation of the Obama administration for its politically correct scheme to diminish Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill