I gave my love to all, but received none from them. I ran out of love, and no
one refilled me. A scowl crept over my face, and I became enshrouded in my
darkness. I could do nothing to stop this metamorphosis. The love I had was
eaten away by my malice. There was nothing left but my burning vengeance,
and I unleashed it. I destroyed all that I had created. Great was my grief; I
had worked so hard, and I had nothing left. I was lost in the darkness, and this
darkness would not part. Then I saw the dawn of what could be. I would
create again! I would create better and anew! Oh, how great was my rejoicing!
Notes from the Forge:
Perhaps pulling out the "meaningful word patterns" and displaying them as I read them would be helpful.
First words read down:
I one darkness eaten and had darkness create
Last words read down:
no my was vengeance I this would rejoicing
And punctuated:
no, my was vengeance, I this would rejoicing
First and Last words read across and down in order:
I no one my darkness was eaten vengeance and I had this darkness would create rejoicing
And broken into self-sufficient, single-concept lines:
I no one
my darkness was eaten vengeance
and I had this darkness would create rejoicing
These "meaningful word patterns" seem to achieve varying degrees of intellectual coherence and poetic expression which echo the philosophical content and emotional tone of the full poem.
— Matt Wallace, 19 January 2012