William Murray wrote on 21 August 2009, 09:39:07 EDT
My E-mail: WMurray@mailinator.net
My Location (City, State, etc.): Dallas, TX
How did you find me?: Cruising the net
Do you like my site?: It's OK
Will you visit again?: Maybe
Will you recommend site to others?: Certain others, yes
Do you think I'm insane?: No
Hmm, you could have been the son that Mom wished I had been.
On the other hand, you might someday change your views. I did.
Webmaster's Response:
Hmm, I suspect I am, and always was, too strong-willed and strong-minded ever to have fallen into Madalyn Murray O'Hair's orbit, much less have been her son. I suspect she preferred to surround herself with followers she could dominate completely. Then again, maybe she also wanted an heir powerful enough to continue her work...
While William J. Murray and I are both political and social conservatives, our religious evolution followed very different, even opposing paths. He was raised as an atheist and converted to Christianity; I was raised as a Christian and converted to atheism. In both cases, I suspect there is no going back as each of us has moved from something that wasn't working to something that did.

— The Compleat Heretic
n/a wrote on 27 July 2009, 05:14:06 EDT
How did you find me?: online
Do you like my site?: yes
Will you visit again?: yes
Will you recommend site to others?: yes
Do you think I'm insane?: no
How would one go about alerting the Army of an openly gay/lesbian soldier and will anything be done about this? Should it be JAG, IG, their chain of command?
Webmaster's Response:
Military protocol dictates utilizing one's NCO Support Chain (if enlisted) and Chain of Command, and in that order. What happens after that depends on the situation and the evidence presented.

— The Compleat Heretic
[Please note: This entry is adapted from a message sent to the webmaster on his Facebook account in response to his invitation to read his 1999 column, "First moon landing in 1969 marked an entire generation." — The Compleat Heretic]
Debra Allen Pankey wrote on 21 July 2009, 09:39:00 EDT
Read the article and really enjoyed it. Can't say I can remember where I was or what I was doing, but you have great recollection!
[Please note: This entry is adapted from a message sent to the webmaster on his Facebook account in response to his invitation to read his 1999 column, "First moon landing in 1969 marked an entire generation." — The Compleat Heretic]
Ramona Marie Rodriguiz wrote on 21 July 2009, 05:52:00 EDT
Matt! I read your article then and I just read it again now -- it's still terrific. You made me think about where I was at that time (sitting on the couch next to my mother early in the morning, hugging a long security blanket, which by the way was the cause of a black eye I got the night before after I tripped up the stairs on the blanket!). But I've always enjoyed your writing. You should write -- more. You have a real talent! I could say "God given" -- but instead, we'll go the "Gottlieb" route (remember Gilbert Gottlieb from UNC-G, the "father of developmental psychobiology"?). Gilbert would say, you have a talent that stems from the complex interactions of cellular and environmental causes, molded by your unique experiences as a human being on this planet.... How's that?
[Please note: This entry is adapted from a message sent to the webmaster on his Facebook account in response to his invitation to read his 1999 column, "First moon landing in 1969 marked an entire generation." — The Compleat Heretic]
Tonya Lovett Moore wrote on 20 July 2009, 09:59:00 EDT
I must tell you what pleasure I got out of reading your article about that extraordinary day in July 1969. I was also glued to the TV that week and remember vividly the moment that he took the first step on the moon. Somehow at the early age of 7, I knew that I would never forget that moment... Thank you for sharing it with us.
[Please note: This entry is adapted from a message sent to the webmaster on his Facebook account in response to his invitation to read his 1999 column, "First moon landing in 1969 marked an entire generation." — The Compleat Heretic]
Vera Guthrie wrote on 20 July 2009, 08:36:00 EDT
Great article I think you described all of our childhoods for that summer in that moment. The Space Program and in particular the guys from Apollo 11 is what directed my sister's career.
[Please note: This entry is adapted from a message sent to the webmaster on his Facebook account in response to his invitation to read his 1999 column, "First moon landing in 1969 marked an entire generation." — The Compleat Heretic]
Brucie Sutton wrote on 19 July 2009, 23:52:00 EDT
how compelling...what a beautiful writer you are...thank you SOOOO much for sharing this with me...
Janice Nielsson wrote on 7 July 2009, 12:28:17 EDT
My E-mail: janice.nielsson@gmail.com
My Location (City, State, etc.): USA
I feel I might introduce myself here. I'm a newbie here. Someone told me that I might find some good information here so basically that's why I'm here, and for any good advice I might get also. Hope to have a good time here...
[Please note: This entry is adapted from an e-mail sent to the webmaster. — The Compleat Heretic]
James Ward wrote on 30 June 2009, 21:28:53 EDT
My E-mail: [Address withheld as a courtesy to the sender; take that spammers! — The Compleat Heretic]
Mr. Wallace,
I came across your website while researching ‘Christian nihilism’ and enjoyed finding the George Herbert poem, which brought back memories of college courses in English poetry.
Your combination of personal attributes shows the folly committed by ideologues who cannot imagine such a marvelous covariance of opposed positions. You exhibit a Whitmanian capacity for contradictions. I doubt that you’ll attract many fans, and I doubt that I’m likely to become one.
James Ward
Webmaster's Response:
Take what you need and leave the rest; I am most content with that...

— The Compleat Heretic
[Anonymous] wrote on 25 June 2009, 10:56:12 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Portugal
Best choice of the month about Kilt fetish.
Webmaster's Response:
Hmm, only one response is fully appropriate: PERVERT!

— The Compleat Heretic
Stephen wrote on 23 June 2009, 12:26:11 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Cullman, AL
How did you find me?: Facebook
Do you like my site?: Check yes or no...7th grade?
Will you visit again?: Sure
Will you recommend site to others?: Nah
Do you think I'm insane?: Relative Question
[No commentary was offered by signer. — The Compleat Heretic]
Webmaster's Response:
"7th grade" is obviously a reference to "Seeing the Light; or, How I Became a Godless Heathen" in my Autobiography which details the genesis of my atheism.

— The Compleat Heretic
MaX wrote on 5 May 2009, 22:05:09 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Austria
I think this can be applied to you,
Every moment of one's existence one is growing into more or retreating into less.
Norman Mailer US journalist & novelist (1923 - 2007)
chris mccasland wrote on 2 May 2009, 08:25:10 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): brazoria texas
How did you find me?: surfing [on search for "autograph madalyn o'hair" — The Compleat Heretic]
Do you like my site?: yes
Will you visit again?: ?
Will you recommend site to others?: ?
Do you think I'm insane?: no
You are lucky. I always wanted to meet my hero Madalyn Murray O'Hair. I just scored a signed copy of one of her books on ebay and it is like a piece of the true cross for me. I am still searching for other items autographed by our saint madalyn.
Webmaster's Response:
I'm glad you enjoyed my autobiographical essay, "Meeting Satan Herself," relating the evening of 14 September 1977 when I saw Madalyn Murray O'Hair do her "Most Hated Woman in America" routine live and in person. While atheists and other freethinkers are indebted to her for taking a stand for our general principles, especially considering the times in which she did so, we must never canonize her or view her as a savior, not even ironically. She was a deeply flawed human being and at least one of her flaws ultimately proved fatal. She believed her own hype and mistook her penchant for terrorizing Christians, and everyone around her, as actual power. She no doubt always thought she was bigger and badder than she actually was until she crossed paths with David Waters, the sociopath who killed her. I can imagine that she went to her death harboring this self-misconception, even as she and her family were being murdered. Though I somewhat ironically refer to her as "our heroine" in my essay, the sad truth is that Madalyn Murray O'Hair possessed nothing of the heroic within herself. True heroism requires the self-recognition that one's own interests do not matter and that one must do what one must regardless of personal cost. Madalyn Murray O'Hair never acted but in service of her selfish motives, especially her perverse need to be hated; this is the conclusion I ultimately draw from my essay and twenty years of observation at a distance.

— The Compleat Heretic
symn feeni wrote on 13 April 2009, 04:00:10 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Peru
Just about every human on the planet has thought about it at one time or another, We have all searched for information about it and many of us have even wasted countless hours on different methods, only to be disappointed by the results.
R X P Viglus wrote on 1 April 2009, 11:41:09 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Cyprus
Howdy partners, I want to recommend you: the best enhancement to go to! These are the greatest enlargement you can find online! I really recommend it!
Reg wrote on 1 April 2009, 08:39:37 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Guyana
I've been hanging around for a little while. This is something I have wanted for a while. This site is free and unrestricted. Enjoy the surfing! Laters, Reg
Amarne Algorgo wrote on 1 April 2009, 07:42:11 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Hungary
Hello, The forum is very informative. Feel nice to be a part of this the community. Wanted to share about website which might be very use full for some of the people here. I was doing some research on my issue when I came across this website. It lists some things that I did not see anywhere on the internet so I was compelled to share it. The coolest thing was that it also gives you the findings in plain English as well so you can understand the results of your findings easily. Thanks for the website to be accessed here.
Marjori Jodyl wrote on 31 March 2009, 22:40:45 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Trinidad and Tobago
Thanks for the welcome. Really an excellent site - it's always a pleasure to come back compleat heretic who give pause under the priceless! write new some other exactly as it was prescribed for you. for attention thank you.
[Anonymous] wrote on 21 March 2009, 04:36:49 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Zarathustra's Cave
How did you find me?: Google [on "Zarathustra's disciple" — The Compleat Heretic]
Do you like my site?: Yes and Amen
Will you visit again?: Yes and Amen
Will you recommend site to others?: Yes and Amen
Do you think I'm insane?: Yes and Amen, with the madness of millennia; it is dangerous to be an heir.
Life's a dance; better to dance clumsily than to walk lamely.
Webmaster's Response:
Hmm, someone is obviously getting Nietzschean on me after finding my old prose poem "Zarathustra's Disciple"...

— The Compleat Heretic
kenz wrote on 20 March 2009, 20:50:37 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): usa
How did you find me?: google
Do you like my site?: yes
Will you visit again?: yes
Will you recommend site to others?: yes
Do you think I'm insane?: no
i read some of your writing and i think it is great!
you and your website are very interesting.
thank you for what you do and thanks for existing.
Jennifer wrote on 15 March 2009, 08:41:58 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): USA
How did you find me?: Followed a blog link
Do you like my site?: Yes
Will you visit again?: Yes
Will you recommend site to others?: Yes
I was just searching blogs, and found this site! I like it, friend! People it is necessary for you to read all of this! The same is very simply hard to find! Regards
[Anonymous] wrote on 14 March 2009, 18:02:31 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): New York
Just another voice singing the praises of your site! I truly believe that you have set up a terrific website and would like to add my approval. Your message on many interesting topics comes through the content of your site. I find your written English excellent, clear and vibrant.
Nikola Nash wrote on 13 March 2009, 11:46:13 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): USA
Do you like my site?: Yes
Will you visit again?: Yes
Hello! Thanks for all that you've written here, it is all so very nice! I hope I will be able to return later and read more of your more posts. Anyway thanks for this site which I consider well beyond the generic.
Baby Pushing Away Food wrote on 12 March 2009, 19:16:56 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Jakarta Commons
Hello my dear friend! I'm a pure student...
Webmaster's Response:
Hmm, lost in translation? Sometimes I wonder...

— The Compleat Heretic
Klavia Turong wrote on 12 March 2009, 15:57:05 EDT
My Location (City, State, etc.): Niagara Falls NY USA
Good Day everybody!
Thanks for possibility to write on your website.
I was exactly looking for something like that!
I'm really interested to follow some articles.
Thanks a lot!
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