Heterodoxos, official mascot of Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic, the personal web site of an economic and social conservative, Republican, Teamsters union member, moral traditionalist, pro-life, U.S. Army veteran, NRA Benefactor Life Member, Secular Humanist atheist Header for Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic, the personal web site of an economic and social conservative, Republican, Teamsters union member, moral traditionalist, pro-life, U.S. Army veteran, NRA Benefactor Life Member, Secular Humanist atheist

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The Compleat Heretic's Websurfing Safari:
Rightgrrl!: Volume 2 (1999)

This page was last modified on 7 August 2014.

Though I observe far too much virtual litter while travelling along the Information Superhighway, occasionally I find something that compels me to exit for an extended stop. If I am sufficiently stimulated, for good or ill, by a site, I leave an entry in the guestbook to let everyone know that I had passed through. Even rarer is a site that I visit regularly and leave a comment frequently. Rightgrrl! is such a site. Enjoy!

Rightgrrl!   Carolyn Gargaro and Stephanie Herman

On This Page:
December 16, 1999    Maryland's prosecution/persecution of Linda Tripp
December 14, 1999    Is CNN trying to be "fair, balanced, and objective" like Fox News!?
November 3, 1999     Liberal/Leftist/Counterculturalist definitions of "open-minded" and "tolerance"
October 25, 1999      Go, Pat, Go!
February 4, 1999       "Fetal Gourmet" redux
February 2, 1999       The supreme irony of military service
January 20, 1999       Announcement of bigotry-bashing, stereotype-smashing web site
January 8, 1999         A patriarchal rebuke of militant pro-abortion "grrrls": fourth salvo
January 6, 1999         A patriarchal rebuke of militant pro-abortion "grrrls": third salvo
January 4, 1999 #2    A patriarchal rebuke of militant pro-abortion "grrrls": second salvo
January 4, 1999 #1    A patriarchal rebuke of militant pro-abortion "grrrls": first salvo

Maryland's prosecution/persecution of Linda Tripp

Regardless of the minutiae of Maryland's interception law, I contend that Linda Tripp didn't break Maryland law because Maryland law didn't apply to the calls she recorded. While Tripp lives in Maryland and made the recordings there, Monica Lewinsky lived in Washington, DC where the recorded calls originated. The recorded calls were interstate calls, thus subject not to Maryland law, but to federal law which allows unilateral recording. The state of Maryland lacks the jurisdiction to conduct a legal prosecution of Tripp regarding the Lewinsky tapes. Accordingly, Maryland's prosecution is nothing but a brazen partisan attempt to punish a witness in a federal investigation of the most criminally and morally corrupt U.S. president in the history of the Republic and to intimidate all who would defend America's foundation of the rule of law and equality under law. This is precisely the sort of abuse of power you'd expect a bunch of would-be socialist totalitarian thugs like the Clintonistas and other Democrats. In just over thirteen months, the entire Democratic National Criminal Conspiracy will be out of office, out of power, and hopefully on their way to prison where they belong.

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic; i.e., a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist
Tuesday, December 16, 1999 at 00:41:56 (EST)

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Is CNN trying to be "fair, balanced, and objective" like Fox News!?

Oh my lack of god, could CNN, aka the Clinton News Network, be following the lead of Fox News!? Apparently they're trying to be "fair, balanced, and objective" in their coverage of the Clinton administration's calculated, coordinated, just in time for Campaign 2000 reignition of the "gays in the military" issue.

On two CNN Interactive pages, "Pentagon to review 'don't ask, don't tell' policy - December 13, 1999" and "Marine officer investigated for allegedly slurring gays in e-mail - December 14, 1999", in "RELATED SITES" at the bottom of each page, they've included links to my essay, "The Military's Ban Against Homosexuals Should Remain". This essay details how I went from being an "ally" to being a "homophobe" as a result of having not one, but two homosexual roommates when I was stationed in Germany while in the Army.

The first page has been up for not quite 24 hours, and my essay has gotten 103 direct hits from it. The second page has been up about 3 hours, and already my essay has gotten 114 direct hits from it! There's no telling how many hits I've gotten from people e-mailing the URL to their friends. Needless to say, I'm plumb tickled about the whole thing; it doesn't get any better than this for a webmaster!

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic (a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist)
Monday, December 14, 1999 at 22:51:53 (EST)

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Liberal/Leftist/Counterculturalist definitions of "open-minded" and "tolerance"

I fully sympathize with Lindsey and her experiences at Millikin University. After completing a four-year Army enlistment and a nine-month activation during the Gulf War, I returned to UNC-Greensboro much more conservative than I had been when I had left. As if regularly opposing the all too numerous liberal/leftists among my professors and fellow students wasn't conflict enough, I was an opinions columnist with the student paper. Though I had fervent fans among UNCG's small, mostly closeted, conservative community, many of my columns were met with vehemence and hysteria from the supporters of whatever liberal/leftist sacred cow I ground into hamburger. ::puffing chest with pride:: O, HOW I BROUGHT IN LETTERS TO THE EDITOR! I even got harassing phone calls on several occasions and had my car egged after I opposed "National Coming Out Day." Among the more reasonable appellations I earned was "that conservative guy who was in the Army" spoken with a sneer; I was, of course, calumniated with every PC slur in the book. During my two-year tenure, I came to realize fully what "modern liberals," leftists, counterculturalists, etc. really meant by such expressions as "open-minded" and "tolerance."

My Webster's Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines "open-minded" as "receptive to arguments or ideas." I readily consider and evaluate new evidence and experiences and willingly incorporate them into my current views if they withstand my scrutiny. I became "The Compleat Heretic" as a consequence of my open-mindedness though my more ignorant, hateful guests fail to realize this. As they are wont to do with all things, "modern liberals," leftists, counterculturalists, etc. have corrupted "open-minded" to mean "blind acceptance of their narrow viewpoint regardless of evidence to the contrary and equally blind hostility to opposing viewpoints."

Similarly, my dictionary defines "tolerance" as "sympathy or indulgence for beliefs or practices differing from or conflicting with one's own." Accordingly, I am most tolerant; the fact that people with whom I disagree continue to exist is prima facie evidence of my tolerance. ::hehe:: I gladly agree to disagree with someone who holds a differing opinion especially regarding issues which aren't readily soluble. Of course, "modern liberals," leftists, counterculturalists, etc. have perverted "tolerance" to mean "unquestioning and nonjudgmental acceptance of every form of deviance and complete, violent condemnation of all tradition."

Finally, to Lindsey and all in similar situations:

Learn the facts and always argue from them, especially when liberal/leftists all too quickly stoop to ad hominem and other fallacious, invalid, irrelevant, specious arguments.

Always join the battle when personal biases are put forth as "facts," unmitigated ignorance as "knowledge," and abject lies as "truth."

Never shrink from the good fight regardless of how frenzied the opposition or how slight your support.

Remember that even if you don't change your opponent's mind, your good, honest arguments and sincere, principled stand will influence those who constitute the generally undecided and uncommitted majority.
-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic; i.e., an economic and social conservative, Republican, moral traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist
Wednesday, November 3, 1999 at 19:48:57 (EST)

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Go, Pat, Go!

Go, Pat, Go! And don't let the door slam against your hindquarters on the way out! No one likes a sore loser.

Oh please, just relax my fellow pro-life conservatives! Buchanan will cost the GOP votes only if he wins the Reform Party presidential nomination which is problematic. He was out of place in the GOP due to his trade protectionism and isolationism; he's out of place in the Reform Party due to his pro-life stance and other socially conservative positions. I think he'll get as far within his new political home as he did within his former one. Remember, the Reform Party is Ross Perot's party, and he owns the "volunteers."

As such, Buchanan's departure from the Republican Party is a political net plus. It denies the Democrats and other leftists the spurious charge that the Republican party is the party of Pat Buchanan; that is, you know, "isolationist, anti-Semitic," etc. Of course, they'll continue to screech "racist, sexist, anti-gay," "anti-choice," etc. ad nauseam, but they have one less weapon now.

And have you noticed how hysterical the Democrats seem to be getting? They're in big trouble, and they are all too aware of it. Though political prognostication is risky more than a year out, I'm confident that the Republican nominee, probably G. W. Bush, will win big. His victory will be complemented with significant GOP gains within Congress and on the state level as well. In 2000, conservatives will consolidate and realize the promise of 1994.

Even so, this is no time for complacency. Whether speaking with others or in letters to the editor, never forget to remind everyone that the
Democratic Party is the party of Bill Clinton: lies, fraud, deceit, perjury, abuse of power (Filegate, Travelgate, IRS audits of enemies, etc.), Health Care Reform, decimation and misuse of our armed forces (Somalia, Haiti, Sudan, Kosovo, etc.), abuse of women (disrespect (Gennifer Flowers, Monica Lewinsky), harassment (Paula Jones), assault (Kathleen Willey), rape (Juanita Broaddrick, Elizabeth Ward Gracen)), campaign finance scandal, illegal transfer of strategic nuclear weapons technology to our enemies, infanticide (soon-to-be third veto of Partial-Birth Abortion Ban Act), usurpation of our Second Amendment rights (Brady Act, so-called "Assault Weapons Ban"), and the list goes on. Let the sound of the guns to which the Buchanan Brigades and others run be the sound of our engaging the Democrats on the field of political battle!

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic; i.e., an economic and social conservative, Republican, moral traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist
Monday, October 25, 1999 at 22:24:23 (EDT)

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"Fetal Gourmet" redux

I first found "I'm Your Fetus, I'm Your Fire" when this site's webmaster ("Fetal Gourmet"!?) raided Carolyn Gargaro's guestbook as "Rico Suave" during the first week of Dec 98. I slogged through this virtual cesspool in its wretched entirety and responded, in part, in Carolyn's guestbook on 8 Dec 98:

"Congratulations on so clearly and forcefully demonstrating my primary insight into the "pro-choice" mind at its most egregious:

Anyone who supports the current legal status of abortion as birth control has such a wanton and callous disregard for innocent human life as to possess the mentality, as well as the moral status, of a Nazi."
I recapitulated my comments in the "I'm Your Fetus" guestbook a month later. My entry is "Record 15."

I recognized Debbie's entry by her website title. I read her "praise" for this horrid waste of bandwidth waiting for her to drop the other shoe: "it also does a fabulous job of representing what it means to be pro-choice." FIRE FOR EFFECT!

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic
Tuesday, February 4, 1999 at 14:26:48 (EST)

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The supreme irony of military service

Being an Honorably Discharged Army sergeant and having read the letter in question in Shannon's post below, the submariner has probably scuttled his Navy career. I don't know the specific Article, but he has probably violated the Uniform Code of Military Justice (UCMJ) with regard to disrespect to a commissioned officer or civilian commander. Though the contents of the letter are demonstrably true, both the tone and the forum in which they were aired are both disrespectful and insubordinate, charges against which not even truthfulness is a defense. Often while on active duty, I was struck by the supreme irony that in order to defend freedom I had to temporarily cede much of my own. It was a small price to pay for the honor of serving America and the American people. I paid the price for freedom; the blessings of liberty are mine to enjoy to the fullest. "This We'll Defend"

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic
Tuesday, February 2, 1999 at 14:26:48 (EST)

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Announcement of bigotry-bashing, stereotype-smashing web site

As y'all have consistently hidden the atheist and agnostic Rightgrrls from me, I have decided that I must take action to wrest them from you. To this end, I have inaugurated a new web site for "godless heathen" pro-lifers without regard to any other affiliation.

The Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League

This site ain't much yet, but I expect that it'll take off when y'all stop hording the aforementioned Rightgrrls!

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic; i.e., a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist
Wednesday, January 20, 1999 at 15:57:53 (EST)

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A patriarchal rebuke of militant pro-abortion "grrrls": fourth salvo

Yes "Sara Wednesday," "it's so sad" that you "Riotgrrrls" continue to spew "so much ignorance" in this guestbook. Rightgrrls are real women who are aware of their power and know how to use it, so it is impossible for any of them to be under my thumb. Even sadder is your resorting to ad hominem arguments. You can't construct cogent, rational, legitimate counterarguments to answer refutations of your assertions, so you start calling names. I neither oppose you "Riotgrrrls" nor support the Rightgrrls because of gender; my sole criterion is who has the better position based on the available evidence. The only "reason" you can assert that I'm a "misogynist" is because I'm a male who disagrees with your opinions which I can argue into the ground. You are acting like an ignorant, narrow-minded, sexist bigot.

In addition to being ignorant, you are also dishonest. Among the real reasons you refuse to carry the debate to alt.politics.rightgrrl are: you lack the intellectual acumen to engage in a serious discussion; you lack the moral courage to defend your views; and you hold views based on distorted, and even false, assumptions, thus rendering them indefensible.

With regard to Sara's question #2 from below, successfully raising a daughter would preclude her becoming a lesbian. The point of raising both sons and daughters to be "strong, proud, confident, courageous, intelligent, rational, moral" human beings is to equip them with the necessary skills to avoid choosing life-denying errors such as homosexuality, abortion, sexual promiscuity, substance abuse, criminality, etc. The path of righteousness is the path of life; all else is death. Even an old atheist like me understands religious metaphor.

As for you "caseycultist," you are so quick to condemn "hoser," but apparently you tolerate your friend Sara's blatant prejudice and bigotry. She has no idea of my attitudes towards women other than my posts here which are supportive, respectful, and admiring of female power and responsibility. Of course, you're simply and obviously displaying your overweening hypocrisy yet again.

I'm tempted to tell you "Riotgrrrls" to take your silliness elsewhere, but y'all are such a, well, uh, RIOT!!!

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic; i.e., a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist which makes me either an invaluable ally or a most formidable opponent, both physically and intellectually
Friday, January 8, 1999 at 17:55:30 (EST)

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A patriarchal rebuke of militant pro-abortion "grrrls": third salvo

Thanks to "caseycultist" for flaunting the intellectual vacuity and moral poverty of the Riot Grrrl philosophy. Her "BUT BUT BUT" is a most eloquent expression of dishonesty and hypocrisy. No other words are more appropriate for the acts of condemning a thing while supporting its continuance and acknowledging the humanity of the preborn child while advocating the means of her brutal destruction. No amount of rationalization (e.g., "socio-economic considerations") can justify the use of abortion as "birth control"; "convenience" is never a justification for any homicide. If a woman doesn't want to be a mother, she should take appropriate measures to prevent conception. Failing this, she should accept the readily foreseeable consequences of her irresponsible behavior as would any adult. The "need" for abortion will end when all menstruating females act responsibly like mature women and take genuine control of their bodies. You can't have your moral cake and eat it too.

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic; i.e., a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist which makes me an astute observer of moral hypocrisy
Wednesday, January 6, 1999 at 15:05:38 (EST)

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A patriarchal rebuke of militant pro-abortion "grrrls": second salvo

Unfortunately, I haven't found the conservative, righteous, "godless" woman who will make me her loveslave within the bondage of matrimony, so I have no daughters for you "Riotgrrrls" to harangue. I look forward to finding such a woman and having her humble me with children, especially daughters. I will dutifully assist her in raising our daughters to be Rightgrrls: strong, proud, confident, courageous, intelligent, rational, moral. Accordingly, whenever you "silly little riot grrls" think you're women enough, you'll be more than welcome to come for my daughters. They will thoroughly kick off on your hindquarters: intellectually, morally, and physically! Hey, we could sell tickets and make it a fundraiser!

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic; i.e., a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist which makes me a proud member of the patriarchy thus an excellent husband for a fine woman and a devoted father for even finer daughters
Monday, January 4, 1999 at 15:25:16 (EST)

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A patriarchal rebuke of militant pro-abortion "grrrls": first salvo

Oh my, another one of the silly little "grrrls" from Riot Grrrl DC has deigned to visit the Rightgrrl Guestbook! She even continued the tradition of whining, bitching, moaning, and complaining about all the good work the Rightgrrls are doing. Why we haven't had this privilege since "caseycultist" visited on October 29, 1998.

Isn't it tragically ironic that a group that fervently believes in "abortion ON DEMAND and WITHOUT APOLOGY" can post a page "in memory of Matthew Shepard" which proclaims "there is never an excuse for murder. there is never an excuse for torture. never." What is abortion as birth control but "torture" and "murder" of an innocent preborn child by her mother and doctor?

Even though my web site is stereotypically masculinist and supportive of patriarchal oppression, I think you'll find that it's very scary in its own right.

-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic; i.e., a conservative, Republican, traditionalist, pro-life, Army veteran, Secular Humanist atheist which makes me a proud member of the patriarchy
Monday, January 4, 1999 at 12:57:55 (EST)

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