The Compleat Heretic's Trophy Case #4 (19 February 2008 - 28 March 2008)
This page was last modified on 20 July 2013.
hugs R us Peace Award
Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award
NEOVIZION Web Site Award (2008)
Pelaqita Persians Award
Keepitsimplestu...(KISS) Websites Labore &c. Praemium
Webuilders TS Award
Fantasy Dragon Award
AIHC Award
HindSight Fishing Charters World Class Website Award
Lindor Award (2008)
Moon Award
book-look Award of Excellence (Reaward)
hugs R us Peace Award
Description: hugs R us, a site devoted to mental health issues by Lin Smith, rewards webmasters for the "dedication, time, and a lot of hard work" required for their "contribution[s] to make the web a safer, better place to surf" and "to applaud all efforts the webmasters have gone to, to bring these sites to 'life' and reminding us that there is good in this world of ours." Sites are evaluated on content, design, navigation, and creativity.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 3.5 | UWSAG 2.0+ ]
Citation: "Thank you for your interest in our awards programs. I really enjoyed visiting your site again. You have made some really good changes, enough to push you into range for our top awards. Please refer to our assessment sheet for details. Please note that these awards are from 2 different sites and carry different ratings. [hugs R us Peace Award; Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award]"
Awarded: 28 March 2008
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Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award
Description: Penmarric Cornish Rex, the site of Cornish Rex cat breeder Lin Smith, rewards webmasters for the "dedication, time, and a lot of hard work" required for their "contribution[s] to make the web a safer, better place to surf" and "to applaud all efforts the webmasters have gone to, to bring these sites to 'life' and reminding us that there is good in this world of ours." Sites are evaluated on content, design, navigation, and creativity.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 3.0 | UWSAG 2.0+ | WebsAwards 1 ]
Citation: "Thank you for your interest in our awards programs. I really enjoyed visiting your site again. You have made some really good changes, enough to push you into range for our top awards. Please refer to our assessment sheet for details. Please note that these awards are from 2 different sites and carry different ratings. [hugs R us Peace Award; Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award]"
Awarded: 28 March 2008 as an upgrade from Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award: Silver
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NEOVIZION Web Site Award (2008)
Description: NEOVIZION, Inc., a web design company, offers the NEOVIZION Web Site Award "to recognize the outstanding achievements in web site design and graphic user interface design by various companies and individuals that continue to help mold the web experience for others to enjoy." Sites are evaluated on design, layout, graphics, download speed, navigation, browser compatibility, technology, and originality.
Citation: "We enjoyed reviewing your website. We are presenting you with the Bronze Award. Thank you from the NEOVIZION, Inc. review department."
Awarded: 27 March 2008
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Pelaqita Persians Award
Description: Susan MacArthur, a Persian cat fancier and breeder from Pleasantville, Ohio, operates the Pelaqita Persians Award Program to recognize others for their contributions to the Internet. Sites are evaluated on content, purpose, design, layout, navigation, and impression.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 3.5 | AWARD 4.0 | Belgica 8.5 | UWSAG 4.0 | WebsAwards 4 ]
Citation: "Congratulations. Attached to this email is our "Bronze" award.
. . .
Thank you very much for applying for our award and giving us the honor of evaluating your site.
Laudation: This site is a personal site that reflects the owner's personal journey of self-discovery and expressing his own opinions about being an economic and social conservative, Republican, Teamsters union member, moral traditionalist, pro-life, U.S. Army veteran, NRA Benefactor Life Member, and Secular Humanist atheist. His background in the military and as an obviously educated person is reflected through his writing, grammar and spelling. The site design is pleasing to the eye with an ease of navigation."
Awarded: 26 March 2008
Superseded: 11 March 2011 by Pelaqita Persians Award: Gold
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Keepitsimplestu...(KISS) Websites Labore &c. Praemium
Description: Keepitsimplestu...(KISS) Websites presents the Labore &c. Praemium (Work And-so-forth Award) "to encourage simplicity and elegance in website design: Design devoted to enhancing the content of the site, and content designed to enlighten those who use the internet." Sites are evaluated on content, HTML coding, and graphic quality.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 4.0 | UWSAG 2.0+ ]
Citation: "Congratulations! In response to your application, "Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic," has been selected to receive our premier website award, "Labore &c. Praemium"!
You have an outstanding website that meets our award criteria! Quite frankly, no matter how often it happens, we are always a little amazed when a site actually meets our requirements. Our requirements of "simplicity" and "elegance" are harder to achieve than many might suppose.
. . .
Again, Congratulations, and thank you for adding a great site to the web!
Pars cantandi pars saltandi
Et in bracas pars bullarum
(Sung to the tune of the Westminster Chimes)
J. R. Martin, Keepitsimplestu...(KISS) Websites Designer
P.S. Love it!"
Awarded: 17 March 2008
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Webuilders TS Award
Description: The Webuilders Group, a British Internet company, recognizes the work of other webmasters with their award. Sites are evaluated on content, functionality, graphics, safety, navigation, and usefulness.
Citation: "Your website Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic ranking is : 5 out of a possible Maximum 10 points. ... Congratulations. ... The Webuilders TS Awards is pleased to announce your site has been reviewed and you have won our Silver Award. ... We spend a lot of time reviewing sites and not all make the grade. You have done a great job, keep up the good work!"
Awarded: 15 March 2008
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Fantasy Dragon Award
Description: Tom Mage, a fan of the Ultima game series, offers awards to Web sites which are "outstanding as well as creative." Sites are evaluated on HTML coding, graphics quality, page design, and content.
Citation: "Some interesting views, good to see someone who claims a party affiliation not locked into all the party's beliefs."
Awarded: 14 March 2008
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AIHC Award
Description: The American Indian Health Council, "a group of American Indians dedicated to providing health information, referral, and outreach services to the American Indian community," offers its awards "to reward all those webmasters for fostering a better understanding of American Indians, indigenous peoples all over the world and/or good web design, whether they, themselves, are American Indian or not." Sites are evaluated on design, layout, graphics, and content.
Citation: "Sorry, I can't agree with your politics but I will defend to death your right to free speech. Your scoring went as follows:
19 points for Design
18 points for Layout
18 points for Graphics
40 points for Content
95 points = Platinum Award
Congratulations on winning AIHC's Platinum Award. ... Again, my heartiest congratulations!
Mary J. York (Penobscot/Mohawk)
Executive Director/Webmistress, American Indian Health Council"
Awarded: 13 March 2008
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HindSight Fishing Charters World Class Website Award
Description: HindSight Fishing Charters, a Canadian sport fishing company located in Sooke, British Columbia on Vancouver Island, recognizes the work of other webmasters with their award. Sites are evaluated on concept, design, layout, content, and navigation.
Citation: "After carefully reviewing your site, we would like to honor you with HindSight Fishing Charters' World Class Website Award for surpassing our criteria of excellence in concept, design, layout, rich content and easy navigation. ... We have added your site to our awardees database. ... We acknowledge the effort you have put into your website; the time, hours and countless obstacles. Display your award with pride! Congratulations on producing a site of excellence."
Awarded: 9 March 2008
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Lindor Award (2008)
Description: The Lindor Award recognizes "excellence in Web Page Design" and "the hard work, time and effort, originality and talent that have been put into a Web Site." Sites are evaluated on content, design, and navigation.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 3.0 ]
Citation: "Congratulations! You have just won one of Lindor's Awards! The BRONZE one!"
Awarded: 9 March 2008 as an upgrade from Lindor Award (2005) [Award Sites! 2.5]
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Moon Award
Description: Jenny Maass, also known as Die Mondfrau (The Moonlady), an Austrian webmistress and retired journalist, recognizes other webmistresses and webmasters with the Moon Award "as an honor for the untiring work [they] might do in designing a website: for its contents and its design. Additionally, it is a stimulus for [them] to develop and learn further, and not to lose [their] enthusiasm." Sites are evaluated on content, design, and navigation.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 3.0 | AWARD 3.0 | UWSAG 2.0 | WebsAwards 1 | WSAPTRONIC 4 ]
Citation: "Thank for your application for the MOON AWARD and for inviting us to visit your web site, Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic. You created a web site with some very unusual contents. It is really interesting what you write about life and love and hate. You let participate the visitor at your intimateest thought and stories. Your site has an easy navigation and pleasure colors. It always invites to come back and read and read again. We decided to honor your efforts with our MOON AWARD in SILVER for your web site and we hope you enjoy it. Congratulations and keep up your good work!"
Awarded: 9 March 2008
Superseded: 3 April 2009 by Moon Award: Gold
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book-look Award of Excellence
Description: book-look, a British online book and entertainment reviewer and reseller, offers "three awards to Web sites that are exceptionally well constructed, in recognition of the long hours, hard work and positive contributions, Web site developers and graphic designers make to the World Wide Web." Starting in 2005, only "sites relating to the Arts and Literature" will be awarded. "Sites are judged based on ease of navigation, content, graphic quality, page layout and design."
Rating: [ Award Sites! 3.0 ]
Citation: "I am delighted to tell you that we have now assessed your Web site ( and, based on the ease of navigation, content, graphic quality, page layout and design, we have re-awarded you the book-look "Top Spot" award for Web site excellence."
Reawarded: 19 February 2008 having been previously awarded 29 March 2005
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To view additional awards, proceed to:
Trophy Case #3
Trophy Case #5