The Compleat Heretic's Trophy Case #7 (6 March 2009 - 16 December 2009)
This page was last modified on 20 July 2013.
Web Masters Ink Web Site Award
Annie's Treasure Box Award
Michael's Award of Excellence (Reaward)
Diskus Award
Moon Award
Pondering Award
Timelines Award of Excellence
Gadzillion Award
NEOVIZION Web Site Award (2009)
Art Space 2000 World Web Award of Excellence (2009-2010)
Antique Collector Best Site Award (2009)
Mearnswood Media Excellence in Design Award (2009)
Web Masters Ink Web Site Award
Description: Web Masters Ink, a web design firm in Aberdeen, Washington, honors other webmasters with its award.
Citation: "We would love to review your noteworthy Web site and honor you with our award, plus have your site appear on our Web Site Awards page. This could very well be your ticket to fortune and fame. You may be our next number one site."
Awarded: 16 December 2009
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Annie's Treasure Box Award
Description: Annie, a "busy housewife, mother, and Nanna," offers her Treasure Box Award "to (almost) EVERYONE that has put effort into creating a website" to recognize their "time and heart-felt energy" in doing so. Sites that are adult-oriented (sexual), racist, violent, religiously offensive, or commercial are excluded.
Citation: "You are welcome to go ahead and take my Award, but I have a few stipulations..."
Awarded: 15 December 2009
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Michael's Award of Excellence
Description: Michael Starz, a German webmaster from Baden-Wuerttemberg, offers his awards "to act as a motivation for homepages with high quality and good content" and "to promote private, non-professional, personal homepages which represent a high standard or which try to reach this standard." Sites are evaluated on personality, content, design, quality, functionality, value, originality, and subjectivity.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 3.5 | UWSAG 3.0 | WebsAwards 1 ]
Citation: "Thanks again for your kind application for my humble award. In the meantime I revisited your site and checked it out several times - and again, I enjoyed it very much. Now the ranking for your site is fixed. Congratulations: score 90 at the first shot - this means Silver!!!
Personality (30%) 25, Content (20%) 18, Design (30%) 20, Quality/Function (10%) 10, Added Value (10%) 8, Originality (10%) 7, Subjectivity (±10%) 2, Total 90
I've seen some improvements and more content which leads to an increase of points, however it's still in the range of Silver. The Compleat Heretic is an interesting website with many insights into autobiography, publications, affiliations, gratifications, irritations, photo album and much more. Just come on in, it's worth a visit and a stay! Keep on with your good work and enjoy the award!"
Reawarded: 13 July 2009 having been previously awarded 2 July 2005
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Diskus Award
Description: Dieter Schneider, a Swiss living in France, operates the Diskus Award Program to reward webmasters and webmistresses for their creativity and talent in design and content used in expressing themselves through their web sites. Sites are evaluated on design, presentation, content, navigation, and programming.
Rating: [ AWARD 5.0 | UWSAG 5.0 | WebsAwards 5 | WSAPTRONIC 6 ]
Citation: "Hello Matt, thank you for inviting us to review your website 'Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic.' We found an outstanding and interesting site with a great design, an easy navigation, and we found an incredible abundance of stories and philosophical critique. You don't mince your words and therefore we suppose there are people who hate you like poison. This all makes your site an extremely rare and important part of the internet.
We decided to reward your site with our highest Award, the DISKUS AWARD in GOLD ID.118. Congratulations and keep on your 'heretic work.'
Diskus Award Program Team
19.04.09 Burgund / France"
Awarded: 19 April 2009
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Moon Award
Description: Jenny Maass, also known as Die Mondfrau (The Moonlady), an Austrian webmistress and retired journalist, recognizes other webmistresses and webmasters with the Moon Award "as an honor for the untiring work [they] might do in designing a website: for its contents and its design. Additionally, it is a stimulus for [them] to develop and learn further, and not to lose [their] enthusiasm." Sites are evaluated on content, design, and navigation.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 4.0 | AWARD 4.0 | Belgica 8.5 | UWSAG 2.0+ | WebsAwards 4 | WSAPTRONIC 5 ]
Citation: "Hi Matt, thank you for inviting us to review your website Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic. We see your efforts to improve your website. Design & Navigation are perfect. Your texts have always been very interesting and sometimes provocative.
We are very pleased to reward your site with an upgrade to the MOON AWARD in Gold."
Awarded: 3 April 2009 as an upgrade from Moon Award: Silver
Superseded: 10 April 2011 by Moon Award: Gold
[Award Sites! 4.5 | AWARD 5.0 | Belgica 9.0 | UWSAG 3.0+ | WebsAwards 5 | WSAPTRONIC 6]
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Pondering Award
Description: Kent Oldham, erstwhile webmaster of The Pondering Page, a site dedicated to "Quotes, Questions, Brain Teasers And Randomly Strange Things To Ponder...." which was last updated on 6 September 2004, offers this award to other webmasters.
Citation: "Well, we are now on the honor system. If you think you REALLY deserve it, it is yours for the taking. Otherwise... Don't touch! Good luck and be honest... KDO"
Awarded: 1 April 2009
Webmaster's Response:
Hmmmm, "Randomly Strange Things To Ponder"? Indeed...
-- Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic
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Timelines Award of Excellence
Description: Friedrich Hornischer, a German webmaster, presents his Timelines Awards "to honor webmasters who present new ideas and new aspects of possiblities to manage life in the coming decades." Sites are evaluated on content, design, presentation, and coding.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 4.5 | AWARD 5.0 | UWSAG 5.0 | WebsAwards 5 ]
Citation: "Thank you for your interest in Timelines Award Program and inviting me to visit your site. I enjoyed surfing through your sites. Congratulations, your site „Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic“ has earned 72 points- this means Timelines Silver Award. Silver Award of Excellence winners have interesting content and excellent design, although some work could be done either in design, content or coding to reach gold."
Awarded: 24 March 2009 as an upgrade from Timelines Award of Excellence
[Award Sites! 3.0 | UWSAG Alpha | WebsAwards 1]
Superseded: 2 June 2012 by Timelines World's Best Award: Gold
[Award Sites! 4.5 | AWARD 5.0 | UWSAG 5.0 | WebsAwards 5 | WSAPTRONIC 6]
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Gadzillion Award
Description: A Gadzillion Things To Think About offers this award "to recognize websites that not only provide its viewers with content that is entertaining or informing, but more importantly, inspire creative thought." Sites are evaluated on content, presentation, design, and inspiration of creative thought.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 3.5 ]
Citation: "Congratulations! I enjoyed visiting your site. It is truly a plus for the Internet and consequently I would like to reward your efforts with the Gadzillion Award For Creative Thought on the Internet."
Awarded: 22 March 2009
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NEOVIZION Web Site Award (2009)
Description: NEOVIZION, Inc., a web design company, offers the NEOVIZION Web Site Award "to recognize the outstanding achievements in web site design and graphic user interface design by various companies and individuals that continue to help mold the web experience for others to enjoy." Sites are evaluated on design, layout, graphics, download speed, navigation, browser compatibility, technology, and originality.
Citation: "We enjoyed reviewing your website. We are presenting you with the Bronze Award. Thank you from the NEOVIZION, Inc. review department."
Awarded: 21 March 2009
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Art Space 2000 World Web Award of Excellence (2009-2010)
Description: Art Space 2000, an online art gallery, rewards "creativity, integrity and excellence on the web" with this award. Sites are evaluated on creativity, overall design, appearance, service, purpose, and ease of navigation.
Citation: "Congratulations you have won the "World Web Award of Excellence" for creativity, overall design and appearance, service you provide, purpose for your site, and ease of navigation. Keep up the good work. . . . You have obviously worked very hard investing your time, and skills into making a great web site."
Awarded: 9 March 2009
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Antique Collector Best Site Award (2009)
Description: Philip Chave of Antique Collector, an online bookstore of "antique and specialist books by UK and world authors," awards web sites to recognize webmasters for their "effort and time," "flair for design," "eye for detail," and "knowledge" used "to create and maintain [their] site." Sites are evaluated on content, load time, ease of navigation, graphic quality, page layout and design.
Citation: "Congratulations on a really great website! Very entertaining. I am more than pleased to offer you the Antique Collector Award. . . . My very best regards and your continued online success, Phil"
Awarded: 6 March 2009
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Mearnswood Media Excellence in Design Award (2009)
Description: Mearnswood Media, a Scottish web design and hosting company, offers its award "to give official recognition and acknowledgement for the hard work and dedication that [webmasters] put into constructing their web sites using their own brand of style, creativity, and content." Sites are evaluated on content, design, and HTML coding.
Citation: "Congratulations Again!!! Your Web site has been selected to win the Mearnswood Media Excellence in Design Award. . . . I have chosen your site to be a worthy of our Excellence in Design Award. . . . Again, Congratulations from the team at Mearnswood Media and keep up the good work!"
Awarded: 6 March 2009
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To view additional awards, proceed to:
Trophy Case #6
Trophy Case #8