The Compleat Heretic's Trophy Case #9 (17 April 2012 - 28 February 2013)
This page was last modified on 2 January 2014.
Vie's Inn of Wonders Award
Time Award
Timelines World's Best Award
Moon Award
Virtual Cities War Veteran's Gold Award
Time Keeper Award
Poetic Soul Award
Pelaqita Persians Award
Antrim Town 5 Star Award 2012
Butterfly & Nature Gift Store Butterfly Award Award
Renelf's Award of Excellence
Vie's Inn of Wonders Award
Description: Tony Duthoo, a Belgian webmaster, co-founder and evaluator of the Belgica Excellence Index (BEI), and owner and rating program manager of UWSAG, operates Vie's Inn of Wonders Awards "to award those sites with not only outstanding looks and navigation, but more important, content that stimulates people to think about life and current situations in all its aspects..." "[T]he purpose of this program, goes into another direction than most award programs: not design, but content is on the main spot here. . . . The Internet is the perfect soil to let informative, useful, and reflective content grow and flourish. The vastness of the World Wide Web grants virtually no limits to the amount and type of content that can be added to it, and the size of the audience that it may reach.
Vie's Inn of Wonders Award Program exists thus to reward those Webmasters who bring this kind of useful, interesting, touching, but mostly thought-provoking content to the world via their Web sites."
Sites are evaluated on intellectual content, navigation, style, page layout and design, first impression and overall appearance, and user-friendliness.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 5.0 | Belgica Founding Member | UWSAG 6.0 | WebsAwards 5 | WSAPTRONIC 6 ]
Citation: "Congratulations!!
After thoroughly reviewing your site, we, the Staff of Vie's Inn of Wonders Awards, have decided to grant you our Gold Award.
It’s clear you’ve made more than the required changes to get you that last needed point for the gold! Well-deserved too, I might add….
Keep up the good work and enjoy your award!"
Awarded: 28 February 2013 as an upgrade from Vie's Inn of Wonders Award: Silver
See also: Vie's Inn of Wonders Award: Content Site of the Year (29 December 2013)
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Time Award
Description: Lupércio Mundim, a Brazilian lawyer and webmaster, offers the Time Award to other webmasters and webmistresses so they may display their pride in the history and tradition of their sites. "[T]his badge draws the visitor's attention to the tradition and history of the website, showing its seriousness and longevity, because only the more serious works persist in internet." A site must have existed for at least five years and cite its creation date on the homepage.
Citation: "The Time Award had the honor of accepting your website "Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic" as our honorable member and grant it our fifteen years online badges."
Awarded: 13 January 2013
Webmaster's Response:
Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic has existed since at least 27 March 1997 and has been online almost continuously as indicated in this hosting history by site upload date and URL:
27 March 1997
?? November 1997
13 January 1998
4 September 1999
Given the break, I can't properly claim the UNCG period, but I can rightly claim the fifteen continuous years on GeoCities (13 January 1998 - 4 September 1999) and my own domain (4 September 1999 - present) combined.
— Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic
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Timelines World's Best Award
Description: Friedrich Hornischer, a German webmaster, presents his Timelines Awards "to honor webmasters who present new ideas and new aspects of possiblities to manage life in the coming decades" in sites that are "both enjoyable and educational with a theme presented in an excellent or innovative way." Sites are evaluated on content, presentation, design, and coding.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 4.5 | AWARD 5.0 | UWSAG 5.0 | WebsAwards 5 | WSAPTRONIC 6 ]
Citation: "As evaluator and owner of Timelines Award Program I am proud to award your site "Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic" with Timelines World's Best Gold Award.
Timelines World's Best Gold Award honors sites that show excellence in content, presentation, design and coding - Timelines' Top Award.
Thank you for giving the World Wide Web such a wonderful website."
Awarded: 2 June 2012 as an upgrade from Timelines Award of Excellence: Silver
[Award Sites! 4.5 | AWARD 5.0 | UWSAG 5.0 | WebsAwards 5]
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Moon Award
Description: Jenny Maass, also known as Die Mondfrau (The Moonlady), an Austrian webmistress and retired journalist, recognizes other webmistresses and webmasters with the Moon Award "as an honor for the untiring work [they] might do in designing a website: for its contents and its design. Additionally, it is a stimulus for [them] to develop and learn further, and not to lose [their] enthusiasm." Sites are evaluated on content, design, and navigation.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 5.0 | AWARD 5.0 | Belgica 9.0 | UWSAG 3.0+ | WebsAwards 5 | WSAPTRONIC 6 ]
Citation: "It is my pleasure to upgrade your MOON AWARD Gold from April 2011 to the new one with my higher AwardSites! rating.
Your Web Site is an outstanding jewel of the Internet.
It's always a pleasure to visit your extraordinary site "Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic". You are unafraid of criticism or to meet with disapproval, you always stand by your opinion which is very different from most others of whom follow the beaten track. This outstanding website is worth to honor it with our MOON AWARD in GOLD.
Congratulations and keep up your fine work!"
Awarded: 31 May 2012 as an upgrade from Moon Award: Gold
[Award Sites! 4.5 | AWARD 5.0 | Belgica 9.0 | UWSAG 3.0+ | WebsAwards 5 | WSAPTRONIC 6]
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Virtual Cities War Veteran's Gold Award
Description: Lupércio Mundim, a Brazilian lawyer and webmaster, in conjunction with his personal travel site, Virtual Cities, offers awards to recognize the efforts of other webmasters, including the War Veteran's Gold Award to "reward nice websites of war veterans" who acknowledge "in their websites that [they] are war veterans."
Citation: "Very nice, you served in wartime, so you are a war veteran, of course!"
Awarded: 31 May 2012
Webmaster's Response:
I served on active duty in the Army from January 1986 to December 1989, including two years in Cold War Germany and a year and a half at Ft. Lewis, Washington. After completing my four-year enlistment, I transferred to the Army Reserve to fulfill the remainder of my eight-year mandatory service obligation. During the Persian Gulf War, as a member of the 3274th U.S. Army Hospital, Durham, North Carolina, I was activated and served for nine months at Womack Army Community Hospital, Ft. Bragg, North Carolina from August 1990 to May 1991. This service qualifies me as a war veteran, and both the United States Army and the American Legion agree.
See also: Gulf War anniversary brings back memories and Well, This Is Another Fine Mess I've Gotten Myself Into.
Note well: In accepting this award, I am not claiming to be a combat veteran as I was never deployed in a war zone.
— Matt Wallace, aka The Compleat Heretic, Sergeant, U.S. Army (1985-1993), Honorably Discharged
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Time Keeper Award
Description: Sandra Gerbers, a businesswoman and webmistress from Green Bay, Wisconsin, operates the Time Keeper Award Program "to recognize webmasters who have taken the time to build quality sites which are of interest to those who view sites on the Internet. The webmasters who win our award must have built their sites with care given to detail, using imaginative and creative ideas and must be able to pass our criteria." Sites are evaluated on design, content, graphics, and navigation.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 5.0 | AWARD 5.0 | Belgica 9.5 | UWSAG 6.0 | WebsAwards 5 ]
Citation: "Your site shows a high standard of quality which all site designers should strive to achieve. You have taken the time to make your site of interest to all, with an eye to detail and with an imaginitive mind. Your site surpasses our criteria in excellence."
Awarded: 30 May 2012
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Poetic Soul Award
Description: Lupércio Mundim, a Brazilian lawyer and webmaster, offers the Poetic Soul Award to reward "website builders that have built a nice site on the web" and to recognize the efforts of "ordinary people, as [himself], just to express ourselves and showcase our work." Sites are evaluated on content, design, and navigation.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 4.5 | UWSAG 2.0+ ]
Citation: "The Poetic Soul Award Program is honored to offer to Matt Wallace's The Compleat Heretic website our new Silver Award graphic, now rated by Award Sites! at level 4.5, to replace the original award graphics sent in December 31 of 2011, when this website won our silver award. Receive our congratulations again!"
Awarded: 29 May 2012 as an upgrade from Poetic Soul Award: Silver
[Award Sites! 4.0 | AWARD 5.5 | UWSAG 2.0+]
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Pelaqita Persians Award
Description: Susan MacArthur, a Persian cat fancier and breeder from Pleasantville, Ohio, operates the Pelaqita Persians Award Program to recognize others for their contributions to the Internet. Sites are evaluated on content, purpose, design, layout, navigation, and impression.
Rating: [ Award Sites! 3.5 | AWARD 4.0 | Belgica 9.5 | UWSAG 5.0 | WebsAwards 5 ]
Citation: "I have awarded your site our Gold award which is attached.
. . .
Thank you very much for applying for our award and giving us the honor of evaluating your site.
Laudation: This site is the personal site of a former soldier, and self-described "economic and social conservative, Republican, Teamsters union member, moral traditionalist, pro-life, NRA Benefactor Life Member, Secular Humanist atheist" and the site explains/outlines his position on many of these areas and how he got there. While some may not agree with his views, he does have a right to them, freedom of speech, and the right to express them on a personal site. Through his prose, grammar, etc. this site reflects that the web master is highly educated and has arrived at his opinions through self-revelation, observing his surroundings (and mankind) and his own unique experiences. The site itself is easy to navigate, and while it is somewhat basic in design it is pleasing to the eye. The site meets all the criteria of our web program to be upgraded to a "Gold" award. Congratulations!"
Awarded: 25 May 2012 as an upgrade from Pelaqita Persians Award: Gold
[Award Sites! 3.5 | AWARD 4.0 | Belgica 8.5 | UWSAG 4.0 | WebsAwards 4]
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Antrim Town 5 Star Award 2012
Description: Len Kinley, a webmaster from Northern Ireland, offers the Antrim Town 5 Star Award to recognize other webmasters for their work in creating family-friendly sites "to keep the internet a productive and safe enviroment for all." Sites are evaluated on navigation, load time, spelling, graphics, theme, content, and design.
Citation: "Having checked out your web site I found it very easy to navigate and interesting and so I am awarding you my 5 Star Award."
Awarded: 25 April 2012
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Butterfly & Nature Gift Store Butterfly Award
Description: The Butterfly Site (see below) offers additional recognition to its award recipients with an award on behalf of its Butterfly & Nature Gift Store.
Citation: "We liked your site enough to give you an award from our store as well!"
Awarded: 17 April 2012
Return to Contents Award
Description: The Butterfly Site, "Your #1 Site for Butterfly Info on the Internet," offers "an award to sites that are family-safe, well designed, easy to navigate, and have few pop-up windows." Sites are evaluated on content, design, ease of navigation, and presentation.
Citation: "Thanks for applying for our award! We have visited your website and really appreciate your helping make the Web a more interesting, useful and attractive place to visit. CONGRATULATIONS, we are pleased to give you our award!"
Awarded: 17 April 2012
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Renelf's Award of Excellence
Description: Renelf, a South African webmistress, recognizes the work of other webmasters and webmistresses with her awards. Sites are evaluated on ease of navigation, content, graphic quality, and design.
Citation: "Congratulations! You have won my Award based on the ease of navigation, content, graphic quality and design of your site."
Awarded: 17 April 2012
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To view additional awards, proceed to:
Trophy Case #8
Trophy Case #10