"What's New" Archive: 1999
16 December 1999 -- Added entry to Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl!. Added appropriate entries for new content to Site Index.
15 December 1999 -- Added entries to Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl! and Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World. Added appropriate entries for new content to Site Index.
4 December 1999 -- Corrected typo ("Matt Wallace's The Complete Heretic"?!?) in web host link at the bottom of every page; in future, perhaps I should do a better job of copyediting a copy-and-paste selection prior to placing it on every page.
27 November 1999 -- Added entry for my new site for my high school graduating class, East Forsyth Senior High School Class of 1979, to Connections.
24 November 1999 -- Edited "Transcript of official statement of 7 August 1987" which details the homosexual misconduct of two of my Army roommates when I was stationed in Germany; added links to "The Military's Ban Against Homosexuals Should Remain" (essay), "Ban against homosexuals must remain" (column et al.), and "Rooming with gays changed soldier's mind" (letter), which are supported by this document. Edited "The History of Annie Bryant" which was written in oppostion to Anita Bryant and her 'homophobic' crusade, circa 1978; added links to "The Military's Ban Against Homosexuals Should Remain" (essay), "Ban against homosexuals must remain" (column et al.), and "Traditional values come out on campus" (column), which are supported by this adolescent "poem."
12 November 1999 -- Added links to my web host at the bottom of every page; perhaps now I can start collecting my "DreamHost Rewards"!
11 November 1999 -- Added entries to Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl! and Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World. Added appropriate entries for new content to Site Index.
26 October 1999 -- Added entry to Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl!; added appropriate entries to Site Index.
10 October 1999 -- Added copious entries to Site Index by indexing "First moon landing in 1969 marked an entire generation", Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World, Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World: Volume 1 (1998), Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl!, and Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl!: Volume 1 (1998).
5 October 1999 -- Edited Publications main page. Added "Additional Apollo 11 Moon Landing 30th Anniversary Links" to "First moon landing in 1969 marked an entire generation" in Columns in Publications.
3 October 1999 -- Edited Homepage, Site Map, "Where are the Democrats for election '92?", "It's time to bring ol' Terry and Jesse home", Vital Statistics.
2 October 1999 -- Edited/added entries and comments to Gratifications. Added "Reaction: E-mail to The Compleat Heretic" to "First moon landing in 1969 marked an entire generation" in Columns in Publications.
13 September 1999 -- Edited/added entries and comments to Gratifications.
4 September 1999 -- The Compleat Heretic now has its own domain: CompleatHeretic.com! What else could it be!? Edited all pages as needed to move site to new web host. And with almost 120 pages, I'm half insane from doing it!
Changes made while on GeoCities
30 July 1999 -- Added new GIF for National Coalition for Life and Peace; added GIF with hyperlink to "Abortion cartoon was ironic", "Anti-abortion violence negates pro-life goals", "Reverend" Donald Spitz entry in Compleat Ignoramus File, and Homepage.
29 July 1999 -- Edited/added internal hyperlinks to supporting pages from the essay "The Military's Ban Against Homosexuals Should Remain" and the column "Ban against homosexuals must remain".
28 July 1999 -- Edited the following pages in Columns in Publications to reflect "as published" and "as submitted" versions: "Russians learn the meaning of svoboda", "Where are the Democrats for election '92?", "Thomas escapes the fury of liberal prosecution", "It's time to bring ol' Terry and Jesse home", "Gulf War anniversary brings back memories", and "Circus accusations show animal rights irrationality".
25 July 1999 -- Edited Homepage. Edited Publications page. Edited "Abortion cartoon was ironic" and "Democratic National Criminal Conspiracy". In response to an e-mail from someone who didn't get the point of its being posted, edited/added text to "The History of Annie Bryant" in Poems in Publications; perhaps the expanded introductory remarks and supporting hyperlinks will prevent a recurrence of any such misunderstandings.
21 July 1999 -- Added text to "Column Background" in "First moon landing in 1969 marked an entire generation" to note an unexpected reward for my column. Added e-mail from "Reverend" Donald Spitz ("Pro-Life" Virginia, "Defensive Action") with my commentary to Compleat Ignoramus File.
20 July 1999 -- Added "First moon landing in 1969 marked an entire generation" to Columns in Publications.
4 May 1999 -- Added entry to Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World. Added entry for National Coalition for Life and Peace to Connections: Pro-life. Edited selected entries, all pages in Connections, and affected pages to reflect new URLs and filename changes.
26 April 1999 -- Edited/added text to "Military Service" entry in Vital Statistics page in Autobiography.
23 March 1999 -- Added Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World: Volume 1 (1998) by moving 1998 Carolyn's Little World entries into separate page; edited other pages as needed to implement new page.
21 March 1999 -- Added entry to and edited Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World. Edited Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl! and Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl!: Volume 1 (1998).
19 March 1999 -- Edited and moved Guestbook entries to complete Guestbook Archive: Volume 2.
15 March 1999 -- Edited, yet again (serves me right for linking to a teenage girl!), Elizabeth's entry in Connections: Friends.
3 March 1999 -- Edited Elizabeth's entry in Connections: Friends by adding a slam of the French.
25 February 1999 -- Added (finally!) personal essay to Bill Clinton Can Never Be Trusted.
24 February 1999 -- Completed (finally!) The Compleat Heretic's Official Web Site Mascot page; Happy Birthday (and Anniversary?) Elizabeth!
23 February 1999 -- Added entry to Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl!. Edited/added entries to Vital Statistics page in Autobiography.
3 February 1999 -- Added entries to Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl! and Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World.
1 February 1999 -- Added entry to Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World.
29 January 1999 -- Added entry (more like a guestbook essay!) to Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World.
21 January 1999 -- Added "Roe v. Wade: 26 Years of Life Denied" logo to Homepage.
20 January 1999 -- Added entries to Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl! and Websurfing Safari: Carolyn's Little World.
19 January 1999 -- Added entry for my new site for nontheistic and nonreligious pro-life/anti-abortion advocates, Atheist and Agnostic Pro-Life League, to Connections, Connections: Pro-life, and Connections: Atheist.
8 January 1999 -- Added entry to Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl!. Added Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl!: Volume 1 (1998) by moving 1998 Rightgrrl! entries into separate page.
7 January 1999 -- Updated Congress Members' entries in Connections: Government. Added entry to Websurfing Safari.
6 January 1999 -- Added entry to Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl!.
5 January 1999 -- Added entries to Gratifications.
4 January 1999 -- Added entries to Websurfing Safari: Rightgrrl!. Added Guestbook Archive: Volume 2.
2 January 1999 -- Edited Websurfing Safari; created separate pages for Carolyn's Little World and Rightgrrl!.
1 January 1999 -- Moved 1998 "What's New" entries to Archive. Added Compleat Ignoramus File to provide a most appropriate forum for my more egregious detractors. Added Websurfing Safari to provide a record of my visits to other web sites. Edited Homepage as needed to implement new pages and to improve organization.
"What's New" Archives
I archive the listing of site updates annually in order to create a site history which provides a record of the growth and development of this site for the benefit of myself and other interested parties.
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