The Compleat Heretic's Trophy Case: Display of Awards by Belgica Rating
This page was last modified on 7 July 2014.
As of 7 July 2014, the Belgica rating system had been closed, and its website had been taken down. Award programs will continue to be acknowledged by their rating at that time if such is known.
Please note: Each award graphic opens up on that award's listing in the numbered Trophy Case pages. The awards are displayed by the award program's rating at presentation and in chronological order of receipt. In the event of award ratings upgrades and reawards, award graphics may be posted multiple times.
Belgica FM (Founding Member)
Belgica 10
Belgica 9.5
Belgica 9.0
Belgica 8.5
Belgica 8.0
Belgica 7.5
Belgica 7.0
Belgica 6.5
Belgica 6.0
Belgica FM (Founding Member)
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Belgica 10
This site has yet to receive an award at this level.
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Belgica 9.5
Return to Contents
Belgica 9.0
Return to Contents
Belgica 8.5
Return to Contents
Belgica 8.0
Return to Contents
Belgica 7.5
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Belgica 7.0
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Belgica 6.5
This site has yet to receive an award at this level.
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Belgica 6.0
This site has yet to receive an award at this level.
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