The Compleat Heretic's Trophy Case: Listing of Awards by Award Sites! Rating
This page was last modified on 22 August 2014.
Please note: Award Sites! is an online organization which sets standards for website award programs so that interested parties can know the relative quality of the award based on strict criteria and rules.
As of 24 March 2014, the venerable Award Sites! awards rating system (1997-2014) had ceased operations, and its website had been converted to an archive of its highest rated programs. Award programs will continue to be acknowledged by their last Award Sites! rating if such is known.
Please note: Each award's name opens up on that award's listing in the numbered Trophy Case pages. The indicated date is the award's date of receipt. The awards are listed by the award program's rating at presentation and in chronological order of receipt. In the event of award ratings upgrades and reawards, awards may be listed multiple times.
Award Sites! 5.0+
Award Sites! 5.0
Award Sites! 4.5
Award Sites! 4.0
Award Sites! 3.5
Award Sites! 3.0
Award Sites! 2.5
Award Sites! 2.0
Award Sites! 1.0
Award Sites! 5.0+
Casey's Celtic Charm Award: Silver (5 March 2011)
Fun Tyme Entertainment Award: Gold (16 February 2012)
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Award Sites! 5.0
JerryD's Site Award: Bronze (11 April 2008)
Casey's Celtic Charm Award: Bronze (20 April 2008)
American Association of Webmasters Award: Bronze (27 April 2008)
Vie's Inn of Wonders Award: Silver (5 February 2012)
Time Keeper Award (30 May 2012)
Moon Award: Gold (31 May 2012)
Vie's Inn of Wonders Award: Gold (28 February 2013)
Vie's Inn of Wonders Award: Content Site of the Year (29 December 2013)
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Award Sites! 4.5
Timelines Award of Excellence: Silver (24 March 2009)
Moon Award: Gold (10 April 2011)
Poetic Soul Award: Silver (29 May 2012)
Timelines World's Best Award: Gold (2 June 2012)
Timelines World's Best Future Award (3 March 2013)
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Award Sites! 4.0
Keepitsimplestu...(KISS) Websites Labore &c. Praemium (17 March 2008)
CLL Website Award: Bronze (9 April 2008)
Moon Award: Gold (3 April 2009)
CLL Website Award: Silver (13 March 2011)
Poetic Soul Award: Silver (31 December 2011)
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Award Sites! 3.5
Michael's Award of Excellence: Silver (2 July 2005)
Lupe's Award: Bronze (13 February 2008)
Pelaqita Persians Award: Bronze (26 March 2008)
hugs R us Peace Award: Diamond (28 March 2008)
Chameleon's Eye Award: Bronze (22 June 2008)
Gadzillion Award (22 March 2009)
Michael's Award of Excellence: Silver (13 July 2009)
Pelaqita Persians Award: Gold (11 March 2011)
Pelaqita Persians Award: Gold (25 May 2012)
Lupe's Award: Silver (25 July 2013)
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Award Sites! 3.0
Southern Nytes Award of Elegance (27 October 2002)
Pacoima Ranch Vision Award (31 October 2002)
Joschi's Award of Excellence (9 November 2002)
NeoDinian's Black Widow Award: Bronze (3 March 2005)
Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award: Silver (5 March 2005)
Bullygraphics Award: Gold (5 March 2005)
Rudolfs Wander-Award: Gold (6 March 2005)
SweetPea's Web Award: Silver (10 March 2005)
Timelines Award of Excellence (14 March 2005)
Timelines Future Minded Website (14 March 2005)
book-look Award of Excellence: Top Spot (29 March 2005)
Sgt Pleiku's Number 1 Website Award (5 April 2005)
book-look Award of Excellence: Top Spot (19 February 2008)
Moon Award: Silver (9 March 2008)
Lindor Award (2008): Bronze (9 March 2008)
Penmarric's Rexellent Page Award: Platinum (28 March 2008)
Pemaweb Award: Bronze (4 April 2008)
Kit Award: Bronze (29 April 2008)
Alice Pandora Award: Gold (7 May 2008)
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Award Sites! 2.5
Lion Rampant Award (1 September 2003)
Lexi Award of Excellence: Silver (10 March 2005)
Lindor Award (2005): Bronze (17 March 2005)
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Award Sites! 2.0
This site has yet to receive an award at this level.
As of 21 November 2002, Award Sites! no longer uses the 2.0 rating.
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Award Sites! 1.0
ned's "Yup...It's a Web Page" Award (22 April 2001)
Top Dogz Web Designer Award (8 May 2002)
As of 21 November 2002, Award Sites! no longer uses the 1.0 rating.
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